Pregnant 1

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El fell down to the floor in a fit of tears staring. At the stick in her hand, "Pregnant" it had written across the small screen. She began to sob out loud and clenched her hands into fists dropping the test into her lap. Soon after she was sobbing she let out an ear breaking scream from fear of being alone. The lights in the room shattered and the cabin shook.

Soon after Hopper ran into the bathroom to see El curled up on the floor of the bathroom crying and sobbing. "Kid?! Kid?!" Hopper said trying to cam her down. She turned to him and fell into his arms showing him the test and burring her face into hoppers chest. "I-I dad I'm pregnant." El had whispered into his ear. Hopper brought her closer to him to keep her calm while he was freaking out about his 17 year old daughter being Pregnant. "I'll call Mike." Hopper said into her ear kissing her forehead. "N-no!" El yelled looking into his eyes in fear. "Kid..." He said slowly. "I'm not a k-kid anymore dad...I'll tell Mike when I'm ready." El said more confident then before. Hopper nodded bringing her closer to him. There was no doubt about it,Hopper was going to kill Mike.

-two weeks later-

"I'm going out to the pool with The party! See you by 7!" El said with her bag on her back. "Be safe!" Hopper said as she ran out the door. "A little late for that.." El said to herself closing the door. El had a bright pink top on with denim short shorts on and had her shoulder length hair in a messy bun and was wearing a black Two piece under it all. She wasn't planning on getting in the pool since she was afraid she'd show her stomach to everyone and give it away,but hopper assured her that She wasn't going to be showing unless it was 2-3 months (I think) so she didn't really mind anymore.

El got into the cab she had called earlier on and began her journey to Max's house so that they could go together. "Thanks." El said getting out of the cab and paying the taxi driver. "Hey El!" Max said walking outside. "Hey Maxine!" Max scoffed at the name and they began walking to the wheelers,it wasn't that far from Max's so they just decided to walk instead of getting another cab. Plus they enjoy each other's company. El and Max got to the front door of the Wheelers house and they all exchanged hellos.

Soon when they get to the pool Mike and the boys dive into the pool while Max and El take this time to show off by taking off their shirts to reveal their top half and their shorts to show they're boyfriends. Max got in first and soon El joined them all. She got in and began to let herself sink to the bottom while holding her breath. The time in the bath really freaked her out and made her scarred for life,but when she was 15 everyone showed her how much fun it was. Soon El rose to the top of the water revealing her wet hair and face . "Hey El" Mike said smirking  and bringing her close to him. "Hey Mike" El said in the same devious tone.

After about an hour Everyone had moved to the Jacuzzi,but El. She decided to sit on a nearby chair since Pregnant women weren't supposed to go in them (in my local pool area your not supposed to if your pregnant anyway) "Hey El you sure you don't want to get in,it's pretty cold?" Mike said feeling concerned and he also just wanted El beside him. She nodded and Dustin then said, "hey guys,why don't we play truth or dare?" Everyone said "sure" and Dustin then turned to Lucas, "Lucas,Truth or dare?" Lucas replied with, "dare!" Dustin smirked and said "stay under water for 20 seconds. Lucas laughed and said "easy-" but Dustin cut him off by saying, "naked." Everyone laughed and Lucas then said "WHAT?!"

Soon after Lucas did his dare Lucas turned to Mike and said, "truth or dare?" Mike thought for a moment and said "truth." Lucas thought too and said "when's the last time you and El did 'it' Mike widened his eyes and said "seriously?" Lucas nodded and mike then said, "two weeks.." everyone but El and Mike laughed and they just blushed. Mike then asked Max a truth and she answered it. "El,truth or dare?" El quickly said "dare." Max smirked and said "drink two shots and get in the hot tub" El shook her head  and said "I can't get drunk and get in the water,isn't that dangerous?!" Max scoffed before mike said "I'll hold you." Everyone smiled and El said "I'm not doing that." Max said "fine do one or the other." El gulped and said "I said no Max." Mike looked concerned now "Hey El you okay?" Will then said "your acting weird.."

El gulped again and cleared her throat "no I'm not." She said. "You totally are,like first no sex with mike for mike two weeks when clearly you were all over eachother before hand and second your not getting in the hot tub and no all of a sudden alcohol is out of the question?!" Max said louder then everyone else. "Almost as if your-" Max said before she cut her self off. "Oh my god your pregnant!" Mike widened his eyes and said "no she's not!" He looked at El and said "right?!" El looked down tears in her eyes and ran off to the exit. Mike soon got out and ran after her.  "Oh shit" Dustin and Lucas said at the same time while Max day on the hot tub with wide eyes and Will just stared at where they ran off too.

Too be continued.

1015 words ♥️
Part two coming soon.
Hope you enjoyed
-A ♥️

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