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Els pov
"So el, this is Alex, Alex this is El!" Max said clapping her hands together. I giggled and held out my hand saying "Nice to meet you, Alex." He shook my hand and put a hand at the back of his neck. He smirked and said "You to sweet cheeks." I shrugged it off and all three of us went out to Scoops ahoy. "So El, are you new to Hawkins? I haven't seen you in school." I shook my head no and said "No, I'm being home schooled." He chuckled and said "By your parents I assume?" I sighed and said "Nope, just my dad. My moms not really well,she's sick." He gulped and said "Sorry. What's your last name anyway? I think my family might know yours." I smiled and said "Jim Hopper." He chuckled and said "Your the chiefs daughter? I would have never guessed."

The day went on like that and I was starting to get used to Alex. "I gotta go Max it's curfew soon and I promised to stay at mikes for the last while and then I'm heading home." Dad pushed my curfew to 10pm and it started to get dark around 9pm so I try to get to Mikes by 7.30 so that I can stay till 8. And then by the time I'm home it will only be starting to get dark. "Who's Mike?" Alex asked suddenly. I giggled and said "My boyfriend." He sighed and said "Didn't know you had one." I cleared my throat and said "It's fine I really got to go now, bye!" With that I turned and walked away starting to go towards the bus so I could go to Mikes.

-At Mikes house-

Once the bus had finally stopped it took me about 15 minutes to get to Mikes. I skipped up to the front door and knocked until finally Mike opened the door. He looked angry but smiled as soon as he saw me. "What's up?" I asked confused. He gulped and said "Come on, basement or my room?" I sighed and said "Your room I guess" He put his hands in his pockets and jogged off. I found it odd because normally he'd hold my hand. I gulped and followed him up. We got to his door and he pushed it open. I walked in and he slumped down on his bed. "Close the door." He said angrily. "Jeez are you okay?" I said closing the door. "No El,I'm not okay!" He stood up and walked towards me. "Lucas saw You and Alex together all day!" I sighed and rolled my eyes. "Max was there too. And were all just friends anyway." He scoffed. "Just friends? So just friends go to scoops ahoy!" I laughed and said "Mike relax, Like I said Max was there. And plus you know I don't like him. And even if I did you know I love you!" He scoffed.

"Well you can't hang out with him anymore understood?!" I gasped and said "You can't tell me what to do Mike! If anything I can be friends with who ever I want and you should-" he cut my off and said "Get out of my house!" I looked around and said "Fine." Just ad I was leaving I saw a glimpse at the clock. It had been 8.30. I sighed and went into his room and said "It's past 8." He sighed and rolled his eyes "And? What do I care?" I gulped and said "Well I thought you might want to know i might as well be going home in the dark and was hoping-" he cut me off the second time tonight "Well I was hoping you'd get out of my house but here you are!" I gulped and said "I was going to ask you to call my dad.." he sighed and said "Get our. Or else." I gasped again and said "Or else what Mike? You'll break up with me?" He ran a hand through his hair and said "You clearly already like that Alex guy so I don't see why not." I gulped and said "I don't like Alex."

"Well I don't believe you." I rolled my eyes and said "I do Not like Him Mike. I love you. And right now your just being jealous." "I have the right to be jealous." I gulped and said "You don't have the right to be irrational and make decisions like breaking up with me all because you are scared." "Get out." He said sternly. "Mike I'm not-" "GET OUT!" He screamed back. I blinked back my tears and ran out of the house into the now Dark street. It was probably past 9 by now and I didn't even get to say goodbye. And now I'm going to have to walk through the woods to get to my house. I stopped at the path out side his house and sat on the curb. I put my head on my hands and began to cry. I felt someone tap my shoulder and I immediately thought it was mike, but to my surprise I saw an older man starring down at me with an evil smirk. I gulped and backed up a little "Come here little girl."I shook my head and said "Um.. no." Right now would be a great time to use my powers but they had stopped working a while ago after star court. (Hopper is still alive) I gulped and he came closer "Don't be afraid, it'll be over soon." I screamed once he touched my thigh and began crawling on top of me. I cried and cried yelling for help but he wouldn't stop.

Suddenly when he kissed my neck I yelled so loud it probably broke a glass. He slapped me in the face and said "SHUT UP!" Before he could touch me again he was tackled to the ground beside me and punched. I sat up crying and saw mike Tackling and beating him up. "Don't fucking touch her you dick!" He yelled breaking his jaw and nose. "M-mike.." Mike stopped once he heard my voice and checked to see that the man had been passed out. He got up from him and made his way to me. "I'm so sorry." He held me tighter and kissed my forehead "I'm so so sorry."

There's some angst for y'all ;)

Hope you enjoyed cause it's a lil long

Words: 1086

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