Truth or dare

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General POV
The party and I were all gathered around in a circle playing truth or dare until Dustin asked Lucas "truth or dare?" Lucas thought for a moment and said "dare.!" Dustin laughed for a moment and said " I dare you to go out side and run down the street naked." Lucas' eyes widened. "I don't want to go streaking!" Everyone laughed and Dustin soon said "dude it's the dare you have to." Lucas sighed and ran outside to do his dare. He came back in with a towel around him shivering. "It's freezing!" We all laughed and soon he asked Max "truth or dare?" Max soon said "hmmmm Truth." Lucas grinned and said "who do you love?" Max giggled and pecked his cheek. "I loveeee El!" We all laughed and Lucas rolled his eyes and went to get changed. "So el? Truth or dare" max said as Lucas sat beside her. "Truth" She said snuggled up to mikes side.

Max smirked and said "are you a virgin?" El gulped and looked down. Everyone got the sex ed talk in class a few months back so she knew basically everything. She shook her head no and Mikes eyes widened "w-WhAT!" He yelled spitting out his milk. "N-no." She gulped and Mike soon said "but Eleven we never-" she cut mike off by saying "it wasn't with you mike..." she sighed looking away from everyone. Max' eyes widened and so did everyone else. "I don't count it though.." she soon said. "Why don't you count it?! Who was it?!" Mike and Max yelled at her. She teared up and wiped the few tears on her cheeks. "I don't count it because I didn't want it." She finally said breaking the silence. "Didn't want it?" Mike said worriedly. "I-it was papa.. he told me- t-that.." soon El began to cry and Mike held her In his arms. "Oh shit" Lucas said putting his face in his hands. Soon they all gathered around Eleven and held her in their arms.

In all seriousness I wanted to make this chapter to spread awareness of rape. If you are a victim of sexual harassment please contact a friend or family and do not turn to suicide or drug abuse. Please now that there are people in this world that care about you.

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