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Gerard's POV

I poured the bittersweet liquid down my throat leaving a burning sensation as it made it's way down my esophagus. The taste was dreadful but the buzz it gave me was pure bliss. Streams of tears flooded my face as the memories of last night's events forced their way to the front of my mind.

"Frankie please understand, I've been drinking again and all I do is hope please stay" I cried to the man standing before me.

On his right shoulder hung the bag that contained his belongings. The tattooed fingers of his right hand were wrapped around the door knob. Without another word he walked out the door. Before the door had completely shut I heard him whisper something.

"Please understand if I see you again don't even say hello, please." Then the door was shut and he was gone. My Frankie, my love, my life, was gone. Suddenly my body gave out and I collapsed to the floor. Sobs wrenched from my body, tears poured from my eyes. At the top of my lungs I screamed the word 'stay' over and over until my throat was raw and could barely manage a whisper. That night I decided to drink my pain away. For my only hope was gone and I was alone.

That's how I ended up here, lying on my bed, half conscious, and completely drunk. Getting up I staggered t to the bathroom. I opened the cabinet and pulled out the little orange bottle filled with  prescription antidepressants. After pushing down and twisting the lid came off with a sickening pop. The small white pills poured onto my hand. When about half the bottle was gone I put it back and shut the cabinet. Tilting my head back I poured the handful of pills into my mouth, took a swig of vodka and down they went. Slowly and painfully the pills and alcohol made it's way to my stomach. Leaning onto the wall for support I made my way back to my bedroom. Collapsing onto the bed I felt my heart beat begin to slow. With my last breath I whispered one word.


The End.

Hi I hoped you liked it thanks for reading!

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