get the reference or get out

196 8 9

Thank you uwu

Thomas breaks into the room, "DID SOMEONE MAKE A STEVEN UNIVERSE REFERENCE!?" Picani pushes Thomas on the floor. "WE NEED TO BE BEST FRIENDS!" Picani demands.

Patton gets in the stance and starts the dance. "Dad- please- no." Virgil hides himself in his hoodie. Logan sighs and shakes his head and Roman joins in making it worst on Virgil.

Remus smirks, "Well one time i-" Janus makes Remus cover his mouth. "I do not want to hear that.. again."

Virgil scoffs, "You think I'm a pleb? It's the best show ever duh."

Thank you

Roman winces in pain, "That was rude, hmpf." Roman sadly sighs.

Patton takes in a deep breath, "1827262262625226262626272262727282872262727 trillionbillionsmillion." Virgil smiles but sighs at the same time.

Thank you

Remus stares at Remy menacingly, he returns Remus the look. Roman laid out 8 cups full of coffee, Remy smiles and cracks his knuckles. Logan yells start and they drank the cups of coffee one by one. They finished them all so Roman put down 10 more, they finished that. Then he put down 28 cups of coffee, they ended up with 85 cups. Logan joined in and got sick after 5, Remus drank 29 and REMY DRANK THE OTHER 51!

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