The Unexpected Happens

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Back at the castle

"What is happening? Why am I here? What do you want from me?" I yell so James could understand my feelings.

"Don't worry Jamie they will be answered later as my mother said" James replied calmly. I was really angry at this point but I decided to not show it.

"Ok" was my final word.

2 minutes later

"We're here" James said. We had said nothing to each other this whole time. I look at the door and then look at James. He signals for me to open the door. I reach for the handle and open it. I was amazed.

"Woah" I say and then looked around. The room has puple walls and a puple bed with purple sheets on it. This is my favorite room of all time. I turn around and see James smiling and looking at me.

"You like it?" He says and looks at me amazed.

"Yes" I reply and look around more and spin. "This is my dream room" I say excited then I stop twirling and look at James. He is standing there with a smile on his face staring at me.

"This is my favorite room" he replies he walks in and over to the window and looks out. His smile begins to fade. My smike fades now as I know it will be sad.

"What is it?" I ask walking over to him. He sighed and started talking.

"Me and my father came here every nignt and watched the sun set together" he pauses. I think I already know were this is going. He sighs then continued "one night my fathe went out and I waited for him in this room and after 2 minutes of waiting. I finally got up and looked out the window to see the sun setting and in front of the sun I saw a bunch of men beating up another person" he paused again as a single tear rolled down his face. I walk over and put my hand on his back and looked out the window. He wiped the tear and continues "I see the person being beaten has fallen to the ground not moving and the bunch of men left. I ran out with my mother and some guards and to find the man laying on the ground was dead and he was" he paused as more tears ran down his face. At this point I regretted asking him I was about to tell him not to say anything when he spoke. "My father" he started crying but not fully crying just tears no whining. "I watched my father be murdered and I blame myself for not going out" this was what he finished on.

"It's not your fault James" I say trying to comfort him. He looked at me and stared intk my eyes.

"But I should have done something instead of just watching" he yelled. I understood him and pulled in for a hug.

"It's ok I know how you feel" I say with tears running down my face remembering my story. He hug backed.

"What is your story?" He asked. He pulled out of the hug and made himself comfortable so he could listen to mine.

"Ok" I say and take a deep breath. "3 years ago me and my grandma were out shopping. We had a great day out together. When we got home she started to feel sick" I paused and looked at James he was staring at me in interest of the story. I continued " She went and laid down in her room and every once in a while I would go in and cheak on her" I started tearing up but still continued "the last time I went in there I kept shacking her and shacking her but she didnt respond. I didn't know what to do because I was so scared so I grabbed the phone and called the police" I turned away from James and looked out the window I could see out of the corner of my eye he had tears running down his face as well. I looked at the trees and continued. "After talking to the police I went back into my grandma's room and looked at her and cried. I knew she was gone but I didnt want to believe it so I kept trying to make it not true. I pushed her, pinched her did everything I could to not believe it but she was dead" I started crying and then looked over at James he was crying too. I still continued even though I was balling my eyes out. "When the police came they came along witn the ambulance and I ran out and screamed help her help her I knew no one could but I still didnt want to believe it. They came out with her on a ambulance bed and took her to the ambulance van. I cried and I cried knowing that I could have saved her but I didn't she was gone and I didn't say good bye" my story had finished and I looked at him again. He was crying like he was before just tears. He looked at me and hugged me. I hugged back. We were hugging for a few minutes before he broke out and said.

"I have never told anyone that story and no one has ever seen me cry" he said smiling at me. I smiled back

"Neither have I" I said. We have so much in common and I think I am starting to like him a little.

James' POV

I looked at her in disbelief. No one has ever been this honest with me.

"Are you ok?" I ask her to be nice.

"Yeah I am thanks for asking. Are you ok?" She askes me.

"Yeah" I reply. I look at her face and I see who she really is. I really like her but I cant tell her because she might not like me. I see her staring at me back I feel a connection and I lean forward. I was hoping would do the same. She then starts leaning towards me and our lips touch and we kiss. I didn't know she liked me but now I do. I feel her hand go on my arm and we stop kissing and look at each other. She then hugs me and I hug her back and I lay down on the window couch tnat was big enough to sleep on. I look at her and whispered.

"Now I know" she smiled and looked at me. I kiss her on the forehead and then look at the ceiling and think. Did we just kiss? And with that we both fall asleep.

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