Chapter Six

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Mike's POV

My head was pounding when I started to crack my eyes open, I tried getting a look around but I couldn't make my eyes open. Man, what the hell did I do last night?? I thought to myself, my eyes still wouldn't open. So I sat with my eyes closed and my body feeling numb. I thought briefly about me having to leave town today, I wondered what time it was. Part of me didn't want to go at all because of how terrible I felt. I felt like I got ran over by a semi-truck. I felt my head slowly tilting side to side, my head felt so heavy...I couldn't hardly lift it. Seriously what the fuck did I do last night? I tried thinking, eyes still shut, unable to open them. I didn't try to move but I could kind of feel my wrists stinging. It didn't feel like I was in my bed either, I was propped up against something while I sat on the ground. Maybe I passed out in my livingroom instead of the bed? I thought, then I heard footsteps...footsteps that sounded like they were walking on a creaky, wooden floor. I tried opening my eyes but they wouldn't budge, Where the fuck am I? I thought. Those footsteps were getting closer to me, I realized I wasnt at home. I could feel the back of my head was wet as well as the back of my neck and the sides and front of my was sticky too. I could've been sweating, I felt my body rolling off to the side. When I tried stopping myself from falling sideways, a sharp pain went through both of my wrists. I whimpered a little and I finally got my eyes to open, my vision was a bit blurry and everything was coming into focus slowly. I tried focusing on my wrists as hard as I could to figure out why they hurt so bad, I could see something silvery wrapped around my wrists. I tugged my hands towards me a little and they wouldn't move. I started to panic a little when I heard the chain rattle. Holy shit I'm fucking chained up somewhere! This I knew! I started pulling at the chains again, once my vision got back into clear focus I saw I was handcuffed to a metal pole which ran from the ceiling to the floor, it looked like it ran through the floor to a basement or bottom floor or something. Either way I knew I was trapped here and I have no memory of how I ended up here. I tried as hard as I could to recollect my thoughts from the night before, What was I doing!? Who was I with!? But these questions to myself weren't doing me much favors right now as I seriously couldn't remember. Which means I couldnt even answer the two questions I just gave myself. I looked down at my black hoodie, then at my Jeans. I saw red spots on my jeans and I knew what it was...where did it come from? Was it mine?. I leaned my head down to where my hands were cuffed and was able to reach my head and neck. What I thought was sweat was actually blood. I started to freak out and even shedded some tears. I went even more numb with fear, "Help!" I screamed, "Somebody! Help me!" I hollered again. I heard those footsteps on the creaky floor again, since my vision was clearer now I realized I was being held a hostage in a barn. This barn looked like it hadn't been used in years!. The creaking on the barn wood got louder and then suddenly...a man's head popped up from the floor, I jumped and stared at it wide eyed. It was...holy fuck! was Tom!. He jumped up onto the floor and I saw he came up on a wooden ladder. Despite all the questions I had to ask Tom, I only asked, "How did you get me up here on a ladder..?" I asked quietly, I felt my body and hands shaking a little. Tom laughed but it wasn't dark or sounded light hearted, "Well I uh...I didn't get you up here on the ladder, you were knocked out and I couldn't have climbed that ladder with you ha, nah theres a wide opening over there...doors are closed on it now obviously, but, I sat you at the bottom on the hay down there on the ground and came up here and tossed the rope down on you, and then I had to tie the ropes tightly to your ankle and I reeled you up" Tom finished explaining. I raised my eyebrows a little at him, " did this? You knocked me out last night?" I asked, Tom nodded and I could see some regret in his face, "I did, I'm sorry Mike, and I'm sorry I hit your head so hard, you got blood all over you...jesus I thought I killed you, which wasnt my intention by the way..." He says. I stared at Tom with complete disbelief for a moment, "Why?...Why did you do this to me?" I choked out, Tom's face grew sad and he looked like he wanted to burst out into tears. I'm just lost right now, I have no fucking clue what's going on and I'm desperately waiting for the answer to the question I just asked him, "Mike...I didn't want to do all this...Kidnap you I mean...I'm so sorry, I fucked up so bad!" Tom says and now his eyes were teary. I just sat here silent, watching Tom trying to not have a mental breakdown in front of me, "Tom listen man...just uncuff me and we can talk about this okay?" I said gently. Tom looked like he was going to let me go and then he shook his head, "I-I can't, I have to stick to this, I've already done it...If I uncuffed you...You would try and get'd go to the police..." Tom says quietly almost in a whisper. I shake my head slowly, "No...No I won't, if you just let me go...there wont be any need to go to the cops" I tell him. Tom examined me closely, he stood up off the floor beside me and looked down at me as I looked up at him. Tom started crying and shook his head again, "Tom please..." I whispered. He shook his head again and turned away from me, I threw my head back against the wooden wall behind me and cried. What the fuck was he gonna do with me?! The thoughts of why he really had me here killed me. It made me even more afraid. My head began throbbing and I whimpered at that even more, shit I thought my skull was going to crack open and my brains would fall out. It hurt like a bitch, by far the worst headache I ever had in my twenty-one years of life. Then again, Tom nearly killed me when he whacked my head last night. Even Tom thought he killed me at first, but I felt dead. I could hear it raining outside, hearing the rain and imagining water made my throat incredibly dry. It also made me want to wipe this blood off of me because everytime I moved the dried blood on me would pull my hairs. Tom wasn't up here with me anymore, he went back down the ladder. I sat here cuffed to this pole, my head a throbbing headache, dried blood covering the back of my head and my entire neck. I just sat here and cried, that's all I could do right now. Even though I know who took me and how I got here now, I still was completely lost. I had no idea what was going on, why I was here, why Tom was so upset and crying and what his intentions with me were. I had a thought in the back of my throbbing mind that....Tom might be the last person I ever see...this old creepy barn was probably the last thing I would see too.

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