Chapter Seventeen

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Third Person POV

Tom's stick shift truck wasn't working, he was freaking the fuck out and having the worst raging meltdown one could ever see. He began running down the long and seemingly neverending dirt road.
     Meanwhile Mike, still out cold on the dirt road near the fields, was approached by an old beat up '67 turquoise pick up truck. A bearded cowboy with ginger hair and beard, bright blue eyes, and camo jacket and hat, hopped out of the truck and rushed over to Mike. The man slowly turned Mike on his back and checked his pulse. Thankfully, there was still a pulse, the man gently shook Mike's shoulder, "Sun', you alright?" he said softly. Mike began to cough a little as he opened his eyes, he jumped a bit as he looked up into the bearded face of the cowboy, "Now now, take it easy boy...what happened to ya?" he asked Mike. Mike gulped and choked out, "His name is...Tom....he kidnapped four or five days ago...he broke my fuckin he's after me again" Mike finished and the man had a look of fright on his face as his eyes widened. Mike grabbed on to the man's arms tightly as the man hoisted him up onto his good leg. Mike wrapped an arm around the back of the man's neck and the man did the same. He helped Mike into the passenger seat of the old beat up truck. Quickly rushing to the other side, the man jumped into the driver seat and started the truck and went back the opposite direction he came.
     Tom was still running down the dirt road, he was now in the area where Mike had been passed out twenty minutes ago. He had spotted Mike's white t-shirt on the side of the road. Tom kept the shirt in his grasp as he continued to hurry down the road.
     The man was driving Mike to the closest E.R. around due to how severe his leg break is. Mike was spacing out in the passenger seat staring straight at the floor, "Thank you..." Mike croaked out holding back tears. The man smiled a bit, "You were in trouble, ain't no one knows what that Tom punk would've done to you next!" he finished. Mike nodded in agreement and even laughed a little, "Yeah no kidding...he killed a man...he was my neighbor" Mike whispered. The man looked over at Mike with an expression of terror, "Oh dear lord! We gotta get the police!" the man says, "Don't you worry, yer safe now with me sun'".

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