Chapter Eleven

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Mike's POV

Tom left me alone still cuffed and duct taped to this fucking pole. What the fuck just happened to me!? I thought trying to process everything. This would destroy me for days, nights, and months to come. And the feet thing...what the fuck was that!!? I had no clue that was even a sexual interest!! I struggle hard against all this tape plus the cuffs which hold my hands behind my back behind the pole. I wasn't getting anywhere with all this struggling, Tom has me secured in here pretty good. Bastard. I still continue to struggle because in some way it was better than just sitting here doing absolutely nothing waiting for Tom to get back so he can torment me some more. At least I wasn't as uncomfortable as I was when I had my shirt, sweater, and socks and shoes on. So on somewhat of a bright side I do feel more comfy. It would be a lot better if Tom didn't keep me tied up in this barn like a rabid dog. Speaking of the devil, Tom came back inside the barn puffing on another cigarette. I stare at him as he keeps puffing off the cigarette which hangs from the corner of his mouth. Tom takes a seat next to me and I realized that what he was smoking wasn't a was marijuana. It's illegal yes but him and I were in the middle of butt fuck nowhere and that was the least of my concerns. Tom makes quick eye contact with me, "Got anymore of that?" I ask him, Tom looks down at me surprised, "Have you smoked the devil's lettuce before?" He asks with a smile. I shake my head, frown and raise my eyebrows, "Nope, I don't mind givin it a try though since we dont have to worry about getting caught out here" I say. Tom pulls a thick rolled joint from his pocket and lights it taking one small hit off it to get it going. He kneels down beside me and sticks the joint in my mouth, I inhale deeply and start coughing up a storm. I managed to hang on to the joint between my teeth whenever I coughed. Tom lit up a third joint as he was finished with his first one, "We'll get shit faced together" Tom laughs, I laugh a little too while the joint hangs from the corner of my mouth. Maybe he'll cut me loose of all this tape and cuffs and shit if I get really fucked up and convince him to let me loose. Tom and I kept getting high together until I was completely finished with my joint. I sat there laughing at literally nothing, my body felt like it was falling but I knew I was sitting on the ground...still tied to this pole. I continue laughing and Tom laughs with me, without even having to mention it he begins taking the tape off of me. He grabbed his keys and then dropped them and we both lost it again. He uncuffed me and I stood up on my bare feet feeling the hay and dirt beneath them. Having stood up for only ten seconds I fell over onto a stack of hay laughing hysterically. Tom falls next to me and wraps his arm around me. I was high as a kite but his arms wrapping around me still made me feel uncomfortable...yet i kept laughing. However this did give me an idea. If I just play along with the whole gay thing right now and let Tom "sleep" next to me, I could wait until he drifts off...wait a while after that to make sure...and then make a run for it. I laughed even harder now since I thought of my shot to get out of here. Tom was all touchy with me, his hands went all over my bare chest and stomach and back. He tried getting at my feet again and I shut that one down real fast, "No no, that's...a major no no...Tom!" I said laughing still. Tom laughs too but gives me a playful pouty face, "Awe but your feetsies are so sexy!" He says with puppy eyes, I smirk and shake my head at him, "No no Tom" I said again. Tom nods and sighs, "Alright fine! If that means you'll stay with me and be mine babe" he says with his eyes closed as he still lies on the hay. I watch Tom as he drifts into sleep, I felt really tired myself and didn't know if I had the energy to try and make an escape. Now was my only chance...if I didn't try to get out now, despite how low my energy level was, Then I wasnt leaving at all, and who knows when my next chance would be. I stand up off the hay silently, I quietly make my way to my clothes and shoes and quickly put all of it back on while keeping my eyes on Tom who began snoring a little. I looked at the large opening which showed the outdoor scenery and I started for it...that's when I realized the snoring had stopped...

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