Chapter One : Suprise!

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Olivia's POV
I had just arrived at London Gatwick Airport. I was just waiting for my two suitcases to come through on the conveyer belt so whilst I waited, I messaged my mum.

No 1 Daughter : hey mum, ive just landed and im now waiting for my suitcase. so excited to see you xx

I saw my two suitcases and took them quick enough so I wouldn't have to wait for them to go round another loop. My phone vibrated.

Mum x : Okay love, see you soon xx

I sat in the back of the taxi and put in my earphones. I went on my spotify playlist and pressed 'shuffle'. As I stared out of my window, I thought of how the past 4 years have probably been the best in my life. I started my journey by heading to South Africa with two friends, Ellie and Sophie, then as we started travelling to different places, they decided that travelling wasnt for them anymore, however, I wanted to continue. I was desperate to find another part of myself that I wouldnt otherwise find. About 4 months into travelling on my own I thought I would start a youtube channel so I could share my adventures with people who aren't so lucky to experience the things I could. Over the 45 or so months that I had my channel I had gained 4.1 million subscribers, which I thought was pretty cool considering I didnt think people would like me that much.

Im so glad that I decided to travel, I discovered things that I didnt know possible. For example, travelling to Japan and touring the big cities of Japan taught me that I have a love for art and culture. Travelling to America taught me that I like to push myself, while in the States I completed 4 marathons, which I never even thought of doing beforehand. Travelling to Thailand taught me to love and appreciate the simple things in life.

Finally out of my train of thought, I looked at my watch which read 2:12pm.

My mum had told me that Josh was away on a holiday with his girlfriend and so I wouldnt end up seeing him till next week, so my mum made me promise not to tell him that I was coming home, as she wanted me to be a suprise to Josh. I had facetimed Josh while I was away travelling and spoke to his girlfriend, Freya, a few times, but ive not met her in person.
Although, she does seem like a lovely girl and I can tell that Josh is madly in love with her so im happy for him.

I came back to reality once again when my taxi driver told me we were about 10 minutes away.

My heart started racing, but why? Im excited to see my mum but I didnt think excited meant my heart racing with nervousness. I reassured myself by saying im probably just nervous because ive not seen her in so long. I texted her saying im only a couple of minutes away and she replied saying shes in the garden and that I should just let myself in and go straight to the garden.

I went in my handbag and pulled out my mirror to see if I looked okay. My last destination was Australia for 5 months so the sun did wonders for my skin, not only did it make it tanned, but it also brought out my freckles. I didnt have anything on my eyebrows or eyelashes because my eyebrows were naturally thick and dark, and my eyelashes were also naturally quite thick and long, just like my hair. Satisfied that I looked okay, I put my mirror back in my bag and, as if on queue, we pulled up outside my mums house. I payed the driver, thanked him and said goodbye. I walked through the front door and put my suitcases to one side. I looked in the full length mirror that was on the wall.

Without waiting any longer, I went straight through the kitchen and headed for the back door

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Without waiting any longer, I went straight through the kitchen and headed for the back door.

"MAM IM BACK," I shouted with glee.

The second I properly stepped outside I saw there was a group of about 15 people outside, who all shouted
"Suprise!" as soon as they realised that I saw them.

I smiled and saw that the first person heading towards me was..Josh?
"Oh my god," I said, nearly crying, "I thought you were on holiday?" I ran to him and jumped into a hug.
"Yeah that was just a cover up, I wanted to suprise you."
"Oh lord ive missed you so much," I said.
"Trust me," he said, "I missed you so much more."

Sibling reunion over I looked to around and saw my mum, and instantly I headed over to her and did basically the same as what I did with Josh.

(time skip because im lazy)

Mother and sibling reunion and catching up over, Josh turned to me and asked me to come and meet his friends.

"Yo guys," Josh said in a tone as if he was about to make an announcement, "So this is my younger sister Olivia."
There was a collective response of "Hey's" and "Hi's."

I introduced myself to all of the boys individually, making small talk with each of them, and from what I can gather, they are all very nice and funny lads, which I can already tell I will get on really well with.

My mam had organised a BBQ suprise party for me and she had invited a few of her friends that were basically family to us so I went over to them and did the usual standard greetings.

"So," Angela, my mums best friend, said, "which place would you say was you're favourite?" She asked.
"Oh god erm," I hesitated for a moment, "either Santorini in Greece or Sydney in Australia."

(another time skip lol)

It was the end of the day and just when Josh was about to leave he says "where are you planning on staying?"
Good question.
"I was going to crash on the sofa here for a while until I can find a place."
"Well," Josh trailed on, "You can come live with us if you want?" He offered.
"Us?" I asked.
"Yeah. Me, JJ, Simon and Vik."
"Oh no its okay, Id only be a burden, but thankyou though."
"Don't be silly" Vik said.
"None of us mind," said JJ.
"Exactly, we want you with us," Josh reassured.
"Only if you are all sure," I said, "and the second I become a burden or a pain in the arse, let me know."
"I'll put pain in your arse," JJ said.
"Well," Ethan said, "I think Jide is on a record, he's gone about 6 hours without saying something sexual to a girl." We all laughed.

It's around 8pm and we were all about to set off. I was about to grab both my suitcases when an arm had beat me to it. Simon's.
"Here let me get one," he offered.
I looked up at him to thank him, but no words came out. I stared into his ocean blue, crystal eyes, I tried to say thankyou, but I was in such a trance, nothing came out.

Simon's POV
"Here let me get one," I offered. I made eye contact with her to see if it was okay to help with her bags. Her eyes were almost as stunning as her. I noticed how beautiful she was earlier when she introduced herself, but only now can i appreciate how mesmirising her eyes are. They are the deepest colour or hazel, which contrasts perfectly with her brown hair.

Olivia's POV
"Olivia, don't forget your handbag," my mum said, coming from the kitchen, breaking my stare.
"Thanks mum," I said kissing her cheek and saying goodbye.

"Thankyou by the way," I said to Simon, who did end up taking my other suitcase to the boot of the car.
"Don't mention it," he replied with a heart-melting smile.

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