Chapter Two : Decorating

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Olivia's POV
We had reached a big mansion, which I learned was called the Sidemen House. Josh told me all about him and the Sidemen in the car. I thought I would leave the fact that I was also a youtuber a secret for the time being.

Simon was once again the first to offer to help with my suitcases but I told him that I could manage both and thanked him. Josh told me to leave my suitcases by the door in the hallway so he could give me a tour of the house.

"So that is Simon's room," he said pointing at a door at the end of the hallway, "and this one is your room."

He took me to the spare room, which had a bed and a chest of drawers in.

"You can sleep in the spare room for now so you have a bed and things like that but we would all like you to actually move in and permanently stay with us," He said and I beamed.
"....Sooo," he trailed on, "this is actually going to be your bedroom."
"Are you sure?" I asked.
"One million percent, I definately want you here and the other boys are happy with you staying so you have no choice really." He chuckled.
I gave him a massive hug and thanked him.

"We can go shopping whenever you want and you can start decorating how you like it." He said as I thanked him one more time.

We went back downstairs, and grabbed a suitcase each and headed back upstairs to the spare bedroom.

We heard Simon shout that he was going to Nando's and asked if we wanted to go, I told Josh that I just wanted to go to sleep because the jet lag was starting to hit me, so Josh joined the others in their trip to Nando's. I got changed into some shorts and a hoodie and the second my head hit the pillow, I was asleep.

Vikk's POV
"So are we just going to completely ignore the fact that Josh failed to mention that his sister is one of the fittest girls to ever walk the planet," JJ said.
"Jide, watch it." Josh said.
"Nah seriously though im not saying it to piss you off but shes FIT man," emphasising the word "fit". I could see that Simon's grip was getting tighter on the steering wheel, as if he was about to punch something. How strange. Was he mad at JJ saying this? I thought id put my theory to the test and do the same as JJ.
"Yeah to be fair she is a very pretty girl," I said, looking at Simon's grip getting tighter again, "However, I respect the fact that she is Josh's sister, therefore meaning she's off limits." I looked at Simon's hands again amd saw that he has releasing his tightened grip a little. He is definately mad that were talking about Olivia like this.

(time skip 2 days)

Olivia's POV
I had spent the last day and half working on my bedroom, I told the boys to just do their own thing because I wanted to do this as a mini project for myself. Josh always checked in, asking if I needed anything or if I wanted help. Vik always offered to go get me some food but I always told him that I didn't want any. Jide and Simon popped in a few times offering help but I told them that I was okay on my own. I took a step back and looked at my room and was very pleased with myself. However, I had an empty walk-in-wardrobe, which was going to be a problem. So I went through my two suitcases and put the clothes I wanted to keep away and put the rest in a bin bag that I was going to give to charity.

I asked Josh if I could borrow his car for abit and he said sure and gave me the keys. I looked at my phone for the time and it read 3:28, I had plenty of time to look around for clothes.

(time skip to getting to the shopping centre/mall)

I took the bag of clothes to a charity shop first so that it was out of the way. Then I began clothes shopping.

(time skip 3 hours)

I had bought a fair amount of clothes, but obviously me being me still wanted a few more so I settled with the ones i already had and decided that I could always order some online.

I messaged the whatsapp group chat (which Josh added me into) and said:

Olivia : hey guys im going food shopping, do any of you want anything?

I headed to Tesco's and before getting a shopping trolley I checked my phone to see what the boys had replied.

Vikk : Will you get me some milk please

Josh : We need some ice if you will pick some up x

Simon : I dont need anything thankyou

JJ : yeah im same as simon, thanks anyways babe

I didnt bother replying to the chat, I added milk and ice to my mentally stored shopping list.

"Olivia?" I heard someone say. I looked to my left, which is where the anonymous voice came from, and saw a teenage girl.
"Oh my gosh its you," she beamed, "im sorry, im Ellie, Im a big fan of yours."
"Oh why thankyou love" I answered.
"I love all of you videos, youre so orignial and creative,"
"Thankyou Ellie, i genuinely really appreciate that," I replied.
"Are we okay to get a picture?" She asked.
"Yes of course, we can do a few if you like." I answered.

She took a normal selfie, then a silly selfie, then a selfie with a snapchat filter, and then she got her mum to take one of us hugging.

"Thankyou so much," she said.
"No thankyou, your compliment has made my day so thankyou," I said and she smiled, "It was so nice to meet you." I added, giving her a final hug and saying goodbye.

(time skip to getting home)

I pulled up on the drive and started to bring all of the bags to the inside of the front door. Once they were all in, I locked the car and shut the door.

I gave the car keys straight back to Josh so I didnt lose them. Both Josh and Vik were sat at the island so I told them that I had their milk and ice. They both said thankyou and headed to their rooms. I brought all of the grocery bags into the kitchen and onto the island and started to unpack it all.

Once I had finished putting all the food away, I took the remaining bags upstairs and started to hang up all of my new clothes into my wardrobe.

I looked at the time and saw that it was 9:17. It wasnt as late as what I thought it would be. With nothing else to do, I got up and headed to Simon's room.

I knocked gently on the door and heard a "come in".
"Hey," I said.
"Hi," he said in a suprised tone.
"You're not busy are you?" I asked politely.
"No not at all, why whats up?"
"Nothing," I replied, "its just that ive finally finished my room so I thought id come speak to you considering ive been anti-social for the past two days while ive been doing my room."
"Ah well im glad you did, starting to think you were avoiding us," he said sarcastically, "can I see what youve done to the room?" He asked.
"Sure of course."


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"Wow," he said in awe, "im speechless

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"Wow," he said in awe, "im speechless."
"That's a good thing yeah?"
"Yeah of course, you've done really well, considering you did it all on your own aswell."
"Well thankyou," I said blushing.

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