Chapter Four : Greece Trip

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Olivia's POV
We had just arrived at the villa and my god it is absolutely stunning.

Olivia's POVWe had just arrived at the villa and my god it is absolutely stunning

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We all took abit of time to look around the villa and explore.
"Right!" Freya shouted, pulling out her vlogging camera, "we're sorting out rooms and we are sorting them now."
"The plan is we all put names in a hat and whoever you get is who you share with, unless you already have arrangements already." She said.

Everyone said that names in a hat is fair and they all agreed that Freya and Josh don't take part because they want to be together.

"Who wants to go first?" Harry asked.
"I will," Gee said as she started unfolding the piece of paper, "I got Steph."

(im just going to put them all here because im too lazy to write a script on it all)

Gee + Steph
Tobi + Vikk
Talia + Nia
Emily + Ethan
Olivia + Simon

"Okay!" exclaimed Talia, "So that just leaves Harry and JJ."
Harry sighs, "Dear god help me, id be very lucky if I go home in one piece after this trip," Harry said in fear as everyone erupts into laughter.

(time skip)

Everyone just wanted to chill out as it is only the first day of us being here, its not like we are in a rush for anything.

Us girls were sat around the pool sunbathing, and the boys were just lounging around the villa.

I mustve been quite jet lagged because i fell asleep on the sun bed. In fact we all mustve been jet lagged because all of us except Steph fell asleep.

Roughly 4 hours later, everyone who had fallen asleep has woken up. We all decided on going out for our first night. Harry suggested that we go for a meal then hit the bars, and no one else had any other ideas so we all agreed on that.

I went for a shower and started to get ready.

I decided on wearing a pink satin-type dress, because even though the temperature drops at night, it is still quite hot. I paired my dress with some silver heels and a pearly handbag.

I had just finished putting my hair up in a loose  wavy pony tail when i see Simon in the mirror staring at me

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I had just finished putting my hair up in a loose wavy pony tail when i see Simon in the mirror staring at me. I turn around to look at him and I say "Hey," I wasnt sure if he was okay or not to be completely honest with you, "are you alright?" I asked worriedly.
"W-what? oh um yeah im so sorry for staring I just got lost in thought," he said, going red.
"Don't be sorry," I said, turning back around to put my final earring in.

I stood up and looked in the mirror a final time, and turned around to see Simon staring again.
"You look stunning," He said with a smile.

I couldnt help but blush. I felt a huge grin creep onto my face.
"Thankyou," I said to him, "You clearly scrub up well too," I said, hinting at his jean shorts and shirt.
"Why thankyou miss," he said in a posh accent, "I do look rather dashing if I do say so myself."
I couldnt help but laugh.

We all headed down into the town and found a restaraunt. I had Josh on my left, Talia on my right, and Simon opposite me.

I don't know what it is about him but things are different whenever im with him. Don't get me wrong, life is more than great and im incredibly happy with how my life is right now, but whenever im with Simon its just like that little bit extra that makes everything perfect. Its strange. Ive spent so little time with him but its like ive known him forever as if we have a instant connection/spark. He can walk into a room and id be the first to stare in awe. Speaking of being in a stare, im in one again so I continue to read the menu, pretending that I wasnt day dreaming.

(time skip)

We made our way into the club and its safe to say that we were all in our element. Me, Nia, Harry, Ethan, JJ, Talia and Steph all headed to the dance floor, while the others headed straight up to a booth to get the drinks in.

I made a pact with myself tonight that I wasnt going to drink because Tobi is the only one who doesnt drink, and I didnt want him to be the only one to look after everyone just incase we got a little too drunk.

(time skip)

It was probably a good thing I didnt drink because almost all of them were drunk to the bone. Josh wasnt because he's not a heavy drinker, compared to the others anyways. Me and Tobi managed to get everyone out of the club. We needed to sort out some sort of plan on how to get everyone back to the villa in one piece. Josh said he was going to take Freya and stay with her. Which meant that there's me and Tobi vs 10 very drunk people. I suggested that I take 3 people to the Villa, where Josh is so he can keep an eye on them if he needs to, then me and Tobi share then last 7 between us, and he thought it was a good idea.

Firstly, I took Talia, Nia and Steph. I thought I may aswell get the 3 easiest out of the way so I can focus on the others. The villa was about half a mile from the bar so it wasnt that bad distance wise, but it was shit in terms of the fact that I was in heels. When I reached the Villa I made sure all 3 girls had water and painkillers, I helped them take their shoes off and also helped them get comfy in their beds. I quickly went to my room and switch my heels for trainers and ran back to Tobi.

When I got there he looked at me as if I had the cure to cancer.
"Thank god you're back" he said with relief.
"Right who do you want me to take?" I asked.
"Can you take Jide, Simon and Vikk."
"Sure," I said.

We were about quarter of a mile away from the villa and Tobi out of the blue says "Thankyou by the way."
"Hmm?" I said in confusion, "What for ?"
"For not drinking," He said, "I know alot of people and not many of them will have sacrificed not drinking just to help out at the end of the night."

Awe, he is just the absolute sweetest.

"Hey dont thank me," I reassured, "I still enjoyed my night, Its not like I missed out on having fun just because I didnt drink, because I had a right laugh tonight, you dont need alcohol to have fun."
"Yeah thats true I suppose, but I still wanted to thank you because youve not known me long and still done one of the nicest things anyone has ever done for me."
"Honestly please dont thank me, youd do the same for me if the roles were switched so."

(time skip)

After what seemed like forever, we finally reached the Villa. I double checked that everyone had water and paracetamol, which they did, so I went to see if Tobi wanted any toast or something making, but as I reach his door, I noticed that he is fast asleep on his bed. I take off his shoes and place his bed covers over him.

I headed back to my bedroom and started to get changed into some shorts and a vest top. I had noticed that Simon had climbed into my bed, so I just went into his. I was about to fall asleep when I heard a faint "Liv".
"Hmm?" I said, sitting up slightly.
"Can you come sleep with me please?" Simon said.
"Simon youre drunk go to bed." I said kinda harshly.
"Please, just come for a cuddle, please."

I got up and moved up next to him, he put his arm around me as I laid my head on his chest, he interwined our legs and kissed me on the forehead. I couldn't help but blush to myself.

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