-7- Tari

553 6 10

Last Log:

-Day 4 = 1:08 PM | JLM here, writing this log because Star didn't feel like writing today. Mario died, sadly. I hope he's happy with his brother honestly. I wonder how everyone is doing, and who will be next. I don't have more to say and neither does Star, so I'll end it here.

-Day 4 = 1:11 PM | <> JLM

Today's Experience


Everyone just seemed so on edge these past couples of minutes. Everyone was silent and all that I could hear was the sound of crunching grass and footsteps, sometimes even breathing but it was hitched and then soon muffled. I don't know why, and depending on what JLM wrote for the log, I'm scared to talk. I think he said something along the lines of "If we open our mouths, there's a chance we can get the Blood Ink." and I DON'T want that to happen to me, so I'll keep my mouth shut for now. Maybe they rest? Wait, that doesn't make sense if Luigi died in the night. Do they ever rest? That's something only the alive can answer. Now I want to see them again. By them, I mean the ones who passed right now. Like, I wonder how they're taking it wherever they are. Are some in Heaven, and are some in Hell? Who knows. I should stop thinking about them, they'll just make me upset. We continue walking, soon enough that the village isn't in sight. I don't know where we are heading, and nobody else does anyway. That's not a good thing. We continue walking down the grassy lands. The wind blowing my cap away at most times. I wish we knew our way back, but then again it could be taken over by the monsters. What if we just stayed inside the village? That probably won't work either. Man, I'm running low on ideas. I look back at everyone, and they all seem to be handling Mario's death well. We all seem traumatized, but that's beside the point. I look back in front of it. I jumped for a second, but nothing was there.

"Is someone stalking you?" My lover asked as I shook my head.
"No, it's probably the wind. Not too many things scare me anyway." X looked at me with a smirk.
"What does scare you then? Crippling Debt?" I nodded. "Channel loss, and debt mostly. Losing my loved ones is a plus, but I just say that I'll see them one day." I replied bluntly.
X then soon gave me a confused look. "The hell? That just sounds more creepy than normal..." I chuckled, then looked back forward.

A couple of hours pass and nobody has said anything. We were still in the plains area, and nothing interesting happened. We found our first live creature that isn't a human, but then a bird ate it. I could've called him Harry. I think he was a moth... I don't know. We kept walking for more hours. I don't even know what time it is, it just felt like hours have passed. We reached a forest of. You guessed it.

T R E E S.

They seemed to be birch. I looked back at everyone, knowing that we didn't have a choice, but to go in. I looked back at the trees with a determined face to get away from the monster. I walked in, without knowing that everyone was still pondering about their decision. After a while, everyone soon caught up to me. But did I listen? No. I was too tired with their bullshit. The tree's surrounded us. I smiled at SMG3, to which he smiled back after painstakingly 2 minutes. Wow. I'm hurt. I looked away from him, but as soon as I turned my head. I heard a high pitched scream. It was Meggy. I turned around and saw Meggy looking at Tari in horror. I looked at Tari and my eyes went wide. She looked insane. Her eyes were black, nothing dripping out. Soon enough, her arm started to slowly rip pieces of her off, leaving the flesh. She was glitching out. Green, blue, and red glitched showing. Meggy didn't know how to react. To be honest. I don't think anybody did.

I looked around and saw small wording carved into the closet tree.

' Y O U A R E N ' T S A F E H E R E , G L I T C H Y '

I was in fear. I looked back at Tari and she was just in small pieces of skin, bone, muscle, and blood. Meggy was a crying mess, luckily, FM was there to comfort her. All 3 of her best friends just vanished, so I understand what she's going through. I look back forward and take a deep breath. "Okay. We'll be fine." '

I continue walking and soon enough, everyone soon followed. I took a glance at everyone. FM and X were having a conversation. Fishy Boopkins was trying to find some rocks. JLM and Enzo were being adorable. Star was typing the log, and Meggy looked more insane than Tari did- well before she died. Meggy looked paranoid like she was being haunted. Maybe one of the dead was haunting her? I look back at the front to be stopped by something.

-Day 4 = 6:36 PM | Hey, Star here! I sound way too happy for the occasion and what I'm typing. Currently, Tari was next to go, but barely anybody talked besides SMG4 and SMG3 (our presumed leaders now).

-Day 4 = 6:40 PM | I'm not sure how much I can take longer. This is just getting to my head and it hurts. Like, my headaches and we don't have any medicine and we're saving up. I don't like it, but I can live with it. Gosh, I miss everyone so badly. I haven't said a single word since Lizzy died. ... I'll be fine.

-Day 4 = 6:45 PM | - Star

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