I was thinking to myself today, and I thought "What are Grace and Mercy really?"
My mind wondered awhile. I began to imagine a beautiful kingdom, a kingdom where all the subjects loyally obeyed every law. Not because they had to but because they wanted to.
Grace was like a queen at the right hand of Mercy her king. Gentleness and a sense of powerful quietness clothed her from head to toe. She was not one to quickly point out the flaws of others or be brought to anger. Patience was her hand maiden and kindness dripped from her tongue.
Mercy stood at the head of the throne room in all of his might. Such a powerful overwhelming presence ingrained itself into the floor with every step he took. He was slow to anger as Wisdom was clutched in his hand and Justice in the other. Having all the power in the world at his disposal he chose to use a gentle hand for the guidance of others.
Great is the man who sits at the foot of the throne. He drinks out of the cup of loyalty. Mercy is his king and Grace is his queen. His sword is called Integrity, and Patience is his shield. His commands were sharp with respect and authority. Wisdom is his strategic advisor, and Honesty is the general of his Calvelry. Mighty is the knight who guards the crown.
Think Tank
AcakThis is a place to store all of my deepest thoughts. It's not supposed to be easily followed or make any sense.