Do you remember me.

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It was the end of July the rays of sunlight penetrated harshly through the blinds. The essence of something too beautiful to understand was about to be birthed. With such brilliant radiance, my heart stood stone cold in my prideful soul. What is it about that my melancholy life cannot be filled with such warmth?

Then there we were at the age of 5. Something so precious burned into my mind. The pain of missing you my dear friend causes my heart to weep for your well being. How many years has it been 3 maybe 4?  Do you still remember that morning when the rain was pounding on your bedroom window? We slept till 10 in the morning and I threw my toy at your head to wake you.

Do you remember when we were 6 and smeared soap on the bathroom walls of your mother's house? Do you remember the hot summers we used to play outside when we stepped on the cool footpath behind the shed out feet would steam.

Do you remember those sundays we played outside after church destroying our clothes? Do you remember your cat Jessie that used to sleep with us at night?

Do you remember when we biked from a town over just to see each other? Do you remember the tea parties, the movie nights, the barbies and shining knights?

Do you remember me? It was march just after your 10th birthday. You promised me we would always be friends my dear sister.

I still believe that to this day. My stubbornness and pride pushed you so hard. I hurt you so bad, stabbed you with a knife. I'm not asking for forgiveness I just want to know if you remember me.

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