Chapter 8:

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Jenny was watching her friends. There were a lot of things that they didnt know about each other. Everyone seemed shocked at how little was known about each other. Set, Matt has a secret that he is hiding. All the others are pouring out their souls, but he is holding on to this one. I know what it is. He has a lot of pride and has hidden this from everyone. It wont be given up easily. She said in her mind. She had started sitting up more now that the truth was being told. Ever since the addict question had come out and they had realized the way to get out of this mess was to be honest, Steve had been busy writing things down that others hadnt know about each other.

Can you see how this will affect others as well? You know what it is? Set wanted to see if she had the gift as well. He had made the right choice for his bride. Gifted in the knowledge of the ancient ways, beautiful, and had the gift of being able to see the truth.

He was involved in a hit and run a couple of years ago. He fled the scene and the person is in a wheelchair now. They were going to their sons graduation and barely made it out of the accident alive. Jenny said softly. He never reported it, ever went to see how the person is, or did anything to show remorse to it. James is the son of the driver that he hit. He never talks about it, but he has been busted for drunk driving twice since.

I see, my chosen. What do you think of this house?

I love it, I feel safe here with you.

Once I set the card in motion, I will show you where the dagger is that will join us. I will not lie; they will try to stop you and it is your choice to join me. I have waited for many centuries for you. We will have wealth beyond imagine, understanding of the world and happiness together.

I want to be with you – I have always felt like something was missing and with you I feel whole. Jenny said with a gentle smile.

Steve looked over his shoulder, Jenny was sitting there in that strange trance. She had barely moved. I am going to take a set of vitals from James and Jenny. She has barely moved, and I want to make sure that James is OK as well.

A card floated down across the floor as Steve got up. It landed at Matts feet. Everyone froze. Matt was the only one who hadnt been willing to come 100% clean with his past. They all knew that he had something hidden in his past and wouldnt talk about it. Matt bent over and picked it up. Shaking he turned it over and froze. Dropping it, he backed away in a panic. The clock chimed seven times seven minutes. He was white as a sheet. Terror had him. How did this place know about that?

Matt what did it say? Steve asked.

I dont know who is playing a sick joke, but this has gone too far. Matt said still backing up. How had the house known? The only one who had been told was Jenny.

Steve picked up the card. Tell the truth or get run over by a car. He looked at Matt. Matt, you need to tell the truth. Matt shook his head no. God it is talking about you getting hit by a car. What did you not tell us? We have all been spilling our guts, do you want to get hit by a car? Go down that way? Possibly die from it. What happened?

Tears started to well up in his eyes. Matt turned away from his friends. It was opening an old wound again. He took a deep breath and turned around. Time to come clean on what had haunted him for too long. About five years ago I was in a hit and run. I was just a kid at the time. I never told anyone because the car was stolen, and I dont even know if the guy survived. I read in the paper that the guy is still alive but in a wheelchair. I was a young kid; I had been drinking and didnt mean too. Matt said with tears running down his face. It was a relief to talk about it but at the same time it was opening an old wound up. He never looked at his friends. Never saw the rage building in James.

Did you know he had a son? James asked softly. But the voice was full of rage. Did you know he went insane because he lost his job? Had to go on disability? Suffers daily because of you. Mom left him because he couldnt make her feel alive!

Steve turned to James. Your father – he never made it to graduation that night. We had heard that he was in an accident. James, how do you know it was Matt that was driving?

He left his fathers dog tags at the scene. My father hid it from the cops so Matt would have a chance to come forward and not bring shame to his fathers name, but he never did. James said quietly rage in his voice. My father said he would take it to the grave that you were the one that hit him. Your father served with mine in the military, so he felt that he owed it to try to help you.  

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