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Part 2.

Friday, 12:03 pm.

Cullens' house.

Dema slid her left hand to the small gap in between their seats. She took a quick glance to the rows of seats behind her, noticing Billy, Seth, and Sue were sitting pretty far away from her. She smiled, before turning back around and linking her hand with Jasper's, which rested on his lap.

He turned to his lap, and then to her with a small smile. He squeezed her hand, and Dema sighed with content. Low chatter echoed in the background, and white wisteria hung on the trees, swaying back and forth. They were waiting for the ceremony to begin.

Edward stood underneath the wedding arch, staring at the aisle with an unreadable expression. And thanks to Dema's enhanced hearing, she knew Bella was about to come out, and walk down the aisle. She smiled widely, as excitement rose inside her.

"Hey," Dema nudged Jasper's lap. He turned at her questioningly, and she couldn't help but notice his golden curls bounce slightly. She reached up and pushed a few curls out of his face. "Did you ever want to get married?" She asked him softly.

He pursed his lips together, thinking about it for a few seconds. She looked up into his golden eyes expectantly.

"Back in Texas, I knew I was bound to get married someday. But, I don't think I've ever wanted to, no." He said and immediately sensed her slight disappointment. "Although, I've never loved anyone the way I love you," Her eyes, once again, lit up with hope and warmth. "And we have forev-"

A loud scoff a few rows back cut him off. Dema turned around, and immediately locked eyes with Irina. The blonde vampire held her gaze, narrowing her eyes ever so slightly.

"Abomination," Irina said slowly, and both Dema and Jasper heard it. Jasper gave a quick glance her way, and Irina immediately turned away.

"Don't listen to her," Jasper said, even though he clearly tensed up at the short interaction.

Dema opened her mouth to respond, but a piano started playing, followed by a violin, and then the rest of the instruments. The ceremony had started. Everyone stood up, and Jasper held his hand out for Dema, which she gladly took.

Dema poked her head into the aisle, with one hand still linked with Jasper's. Everyone waited for a few seconds before Charlie appeared with Bella on his side. Dema had never seen the family resemblance until that exact moment, as both, daughter and father, stared back into the crowd with an expression of awkwardness and horror.

She couldn't help but smile and take a glance towards Jasper. His eyes were already on her, and he was smiling widely. He squeezed her hand once more before she rested her head on his shoulder. She put an arm around his waist, while his hand supported her lower back. They shared one last, short, yet sweet kiss, before turning back to the aisle.

Bella was just about to pass the fifth row when her gaze fell on Edward. Everything just went back into place the second she saw him, waiting for her beneath the wedding arch. She went numb, unable to feel anything other than love. Suddenly everything felt right, and everyone around her ceased to exist, except for him.

Her one and only.

Her forever and always.

But, as she crossed the second row, a soft squeal snapped her out of her trance. She turned to her side, meeting with an exciting pair of brown eyes. Dema gave her the biggest smile, making her cheeks hurt, and Bella couldn't help but giggle softly at her.

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