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September 11th.

The Cullens'.

Thursday, 12:41 am.

"Edward!" Dema yelled as she rushed through the darkened hallways of the mansion. "Edward? Where are-" She skidded to a halt once she reached the doorway to the living room. A large frown formed on her face, as she studied the scene in front of her.

Rosalie stood by the window, holding Renesmee and swaying her arms lightly. She cooed at the baby nonchalantly, while Jacob kneeled by the lit fireplace. Pieces of wood were scattered all around, as Jacob pressed a hand against his side and groaned in pain.

"What the hell happened?" Dema mumbled. Jacob looked up and met her gaze with a blank stare. "Are you-" She gasped, as flashing images of Renesmee flooded her mind.

Energy traveled through her body, making her feel weightless for the shortest second. She couldn't help but grin at the familiar feeling.

"It's true..." Dema whispered to herself with a sigh of relief.

"What?" Jacob frowned, grunting softly in pain as he stood up.

"My vision's true!" Dema grinned, throwing her fists up in the air excitedly. "She's going to be fine, Jake."

"Who's going to be fine? What did you see? Wha-"

A faint scream, coming from outside, shook through the walls. Renesmee cried louder, and Rosalie shushed her softly. Jacob and Dema turn to the window, but quickly realized they're unable to see what's going on. Growls and snarls start to echo through the house and Dema turns to Jacob with a concerned frown.

"I should go help them," Dema started taking off her blood-stained jacket and dropped it to the ground. "You're staying with her, right?" Dema asked, motioning to Renesmee.

"I have to," Jacob replied, with a small smile. "She needs me."

"I know," Dema smiled back at him, right before walking away. She stopped in her tracks right by the doorway. Jacob and Rosalie raised their eyebrows at her, as she sheepishly turned around back to Jacob. "One last thing, Jake..." Dema scratched the back of her neck awkwardly. "I imprinted too. Okay, bye!" She blurted out, right before dashing away from them.

"You, what?!" She heard Jacob yell from the second floor. "With who-"

"Oh, come on! You can't be that dense!" Rosalie replied.



Dema's fingers linger on the railway, as she breathes in anxiously. From where she's standing, by the closed front door, she notices Leah and Seth are nowhere to be seen. It's just Edward, Alice and Jasper.

Everything seems like a blur, as the wolves chase, bite and fight against the weakened vampires. Dema can't focus on anything that's going on, as screams and growls echo inside her head, and her heart pounds against her chest with fear.

This is it.

This is where she comes face to face with people she once called her family. This is where she proves her strength to those who underestimated her. This is where she protects her loved ones and stands her ground.

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