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The Forest.

Saturday, 5:42 pm.

'Jake, wait!' Dema called after him through wolf telepathy, but there was no use. He was not listening to her. He was drowning in his own fear, as he raced through the thick, dark forest. 'Come on! You know I'm not as fast as you.' The cream-colored wolf pleaded, but Jacob blocked out her voice as he approached the highway.

Dema had just managed to catch up to him once he stepped onto the road. She skidded to a halt, barely even dodging a truck that was heading their way. Jacob jumped over it, and rushed back into the woods, finally snapping out of his thoughts. He looked back at his cousin once, to make sure she was okay, before dashing away.

The cream-colored wolf stood frozen, completely paralyzed with fear, in front of the truck. She made quick eye contact with the couple inside the truck, before leaping over them and following after Jacob. She cursed under her breath, telling herself she shouldn't have let them take a good look at her. They're probably freaking out, and they should be calling Charlie by now, she thought.

Dema was sprinting through the forest, trying to follow Jacob's scent, as well as her natural instincts, when a powerful howl echoed through the forest, shaking every tree and creature living within.

Dema had never witnessed a howl so deafening as Jacob's just now. She stopped on her tracks and quickly realized the rest of her packmates were taking some time to respond. They were all taken aback as well. Once Quil and Jared howled in response, Leah and Seth followed, and then the rest finally pitched in.

Dema hesitated for a second, cowering back slightly. They were still pretty angry with her lack of assistance and cooperation. But, she couldn't hide forever. Not to mention, she had to do this for Bella.

She straightened her spine and took a few steps back, before howling back in response.

She couldn't take it back now.

She was going, whether she liked it or not.

Then, as expected, a path lit up in front of her. She snarled as the adrenaline started coursing through her body. The wind against her fur felt refreshing, and it almost made her forget about what she was about to run into. She let herself enjoy the last few seconds of freedom, as she ran through the forest, following her packmates' scent.

Paul was approaching her. She could feel his presence near her, as well as Sam's and Embry's.

'Jake!' Embry's voice echoed inside her head, as the three wolves caught up to her.

'Jake!' Paul called him as well, as they made their way downhill.

'Jake!' Leah's voice became louder, and Dema quickly noticed Leah and Seth approaching them.

'Jake!' Seth called, just as he matched pace with Dema. They shared a quick knowing look before Sam's loud growl caught their attention.

That growl wasn't meant for Seth, but for Dema. She made quick eye contact with Sam, but she forced herself to turn away and remain unfazed by his hostility. She was blocking her thoughts, and he was just realizing it. This enraged the Alpha even more, but he was quickly distracted by Jacob's presence.

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