Connor #2

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Upon asking Fowler's permission, he only put up a slight argument before Hank assured him that they knew what they were doing. They had managed to help greatly in the shit storm that was the android revolution so he trusted that they wouldn't do anything stupid that could jeopardize the public or their own agency.

Connor informs RK900 of his intentions upon letting him out once more but advises that he always stay by his side if he wanted to be let out of jail on his official release date when the time rolled around. The previously rogue Android agrees to comply and shows no signs of defying the limitations given anytime soon. If anything, he's eager to have Connor assist him in his reform though his classic neutral features don't give it away, nor does he take to expressing any extreme forms of gratitude other than stating that he appreciated what Connor was doing.

"Perhaps I should tell you a little about what we do around here considering it's something I'm passionate about. Perhaps hearing about that will help you better understand what passion is." Connor suggests, giving the younger android a slight smile. Despite his age, he was still a good few inches taller than Connor. "I'm sure you're already aware that this is a detective agency. We capture criminals and solve crimes through means of forensic testing and—"

"What's that over there?" RK900 asks, peering in the direction of the break room. "Another personal office?"

"Oh, no. That's the break room. Co-workers and associates of mine visit that area to eat and to recharge through means of caffeine; a beverage in which they refer to as coffee." Connor informs him, feeling quite proud of himself after managing to provide even the most minimal information. It was fun for him to take on the roll of the "teacher". It made him feel useful and smart! "Would you like to visit it and maybe greet some of my co-workers? It may help you 'come out of your shell' so to speak."

"I have no shell but I suppose I wouldn't mind conversing with others for a short period of time." RK900 decides and Connor takes his wrist and tugs him along towards the break room. The Android peers inside curiously and his eyes settle upon the three officers at the table in the middle of the room enjoying what looked to be, upon scanning, the beverages that Connor had previously mentioned. He also takes to scanning the occupants of the room.

>> Tina Chen, age: 30,
position: police officer
>> Gavin Reed, age: 38,
position: detective
>> Chris Miller, age: 29,
position: police officer

The three look up when they notice that the criminal is free and quickly jump up out of their chairs.

"What the fuck— who let you out?!" Gavin shouts, going to reach for his gun.

"Get back!" Tina yells but Connor is quick to step into the room and move in front of RK900 with his hands up, attempting to settle them.

"Apologies for the misunderstanding but I was ordered by Lieutenant Anderson to aid in reforming our former suspect." Connor clarifies quickly. Tina and Chris are visibly relived but Gavin only looks angrier.

"Seriously?! That idiot thought it would be a good idea to let a violent criminal out of its fuckin' cell!?" Detective Reed snaps, trudging over to the two androids.

"Detective Reed, we wouldn't have allowed him out of his cell if we had anticipated a possibility of him harming anyone. In fact, the probability of him becoming violent or out of control is less than 2%." Connor informs Gavin but he's uninterested in what he has to say. He pushes past him to size up RK900. The tall android just stares down at him, expressionless.

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