Stressful Day - Fluff

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I instantly feel all the tension in my shoulders ease as I step under the hot spray of water. It's been a long, rough day and all I've wanted to do is take a steaming shower for half an hour and forget about it all. Now that I'm finally home and starting to relax, it feels like heaven.

I wet my hair, squeezing my eyes shut as I lean my head back. A shiver runs up my spine and I smile at the feeling.

"Where's my girl?" I hear Niall shout through the house.

"Shower!" I call back to him, a bigger smile creeping onto my face. I listen and wait patiently for Niall to kick his shoes off into the closet then walk straight up to the clear glass and look me up and down.

"You're home early," I say loud enough for him to hear me over the water.

"I've got an early day tomorrow, so we dismissed early," he explains. "How was your day, petal?"

I huff and look up. "Not too great. I'll tell you about it later."

"'Kay. I'm gonna get dinner started." Niall opens the glass door and we share a sweet but short kiss before he walks away.

I go back to my shower, taking my time to wash and deep condition my hair then shave all the appropriate places. At the end, I decide to take a little extra time to use my favorite sugar scrub to make my skin silky soft.

By the time I shut the water off, I know it's been at least forty-five minutes and dinner is probably ready. I towel off, put on my fluffiest robe, then walk to the kitchen.

"Hey, handsome," I say to Niall as I come up behind him.

"Mm. You smell good," he responds as he turns to face me. He starts with kissing my cheek while taking a deep breath. "So good. Could eat you up for dinner."

I giggle and squeeze his waist. "What did you make?"

"Spaghetti and meat sauce, and there's garlic bread in the oven."

"Sounds delicious."

Niall hums and leans in to kiss me gently. "I really, really love the way you smell after you shower. So fresh, and...floral."

"It's the body wash."

"I want to wash your body next time," he whispers with a cheeky grin.

I stifle a laugh, but nod. "Sure. I'm gonna go get dressed."

"What? You don't want to eat dinner naked?"

I roll my eyes and step away. "Only in your dreams, Horan."

"One day, I hope my dreams will come true," he calls after me as I walk to our bedroom.

I get dressed into sweatpants and a t-shirt then comb out my hair before joining Niall in the sun room that's just off the kitchen. We eat almost every meal here, or in the living room if there's something good on TV.

When I get to the sun room, I find that Niall's already made us both a plate and set the table with a couple of lit candles and fresh flowers in a vase.

"What's all this?" I ask with a surprised laugh. Niall comes out of the kitchen and grins at me, then hands me a glass of wine.

"It's a sure fire way to make your day better," he answers. He presses a kiss to my head and then we sit down next to each other. "Now, tell me about your day, love."

I hold up a finger then take a bite of the spaghetti. I moan the moment it hits my tongue and close my eyes.

"You should quit singing," I say jokingly, "Take up cooking. You're the next Gordon Ramsay."

"You flatter me, love," Niall laughs. "Now, come on, spill. I want to know who I gotta kill for making my girl have a bad day."

I snort a laugh and explain to him how it wasn't that someone was mean to me, it was just one thing after another. A long streak of bad luck. By the end of the day, I was tired of everything going wrong.

"But now I'm home with you and you've been so incredibly wonderful. You've made my day a million times better. You really have," I reach over and grasp Niall's hand.

Niall's cheeks go a bit pink and he squeezes my hand. "I'm sorry your day went so horribly, petal. But tomorrow's gonna be better."

I nod in agreement. "Yeah, I think so too. Tomorrow's Friday and then after that is Saturday and I'm gonna have you all to myself."

"Looking forward to it," Niall grins, giving me a look. "Eat up now, love."

Niall and I talk about his day while we eat; about how writing and recording is going, about how excited he is to play them live on tour, about how I'll have to quit my job to go on tour with him because there's no way he can live without me for so long. By the time we're done eating, I've convinced Niall that he will indeed survive without me and that I can fly out to see him every couple of weekends if necessary.

As we're clearing up and putting dishes into the dishwasher, Niall hums the tune to one of the songs he was working on today. Once we're finished, we shut down the house and go straight for the bedroom.

I climb onto the bed, shuffling down under the covers, then sigh happily. "This is the favorite part of my day."

"What? Becoming a blanket burrito?" Niall laughs and gets into bed next to me.

"No, lying in bed with you after we've been apart all day. I finally get to cuddle you again."

I scoot over and lay my head on Niall's chest. He wraps his arms around me and kisses the top of my head.

"I can see why you like it so much. Nothin' better than having you close," Niall mumbles.

Some TV show fills the silence as we both settle in for the night, getting sleepier and sleepier. I go in and out of sleep, trying to stay awake just so I can feel Niall's fingers dancing along my skin.

"Petal, go to sleep," Niall whispers to me sometime later. "You're tired, love. I'll be right here when you wake up."

"I wish we weren't so busy during the day," I confess quietly. "I wish I could spend more time with you."

"I know, darlin'. But at least we got the weekends, eh? Saturday is our day. We'll have a nice lie in, brunch in bed, a movie or two, order take away. How does that sound. Good, yeah?"

"So good," I mumble, now mostly asleep.

Niall chuckles and turns off the TV. "Goodnight, love."

I smile and press a kiss to his chest. "Goodnight, Niall."

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