Vacation - Part 1

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**This story contains sexual content**

I stare up at the skyscrapers through the backseat window of the car. New York has always been on my bucket list, and now I finally get to cross it off. A warm hand slides onto my knee and I look over at the handsome young man next to me. His light brown hair covered with a winter hat that I knit for him as a super early Christmas present.

"What d'ya think so far?" Niall asks, a smile playing on his lips and his blue eyes sparkling. "Everything you'd dream it'd be?"

I shake my head with a smile, take his hand, then look back out the window. "No, it's better."

Going to New York for a vacation is one thing, but going during Christmas time when it's snowing and the big tree is lit up and beautiful and Christmas songs are playing everywhere, is a completely different experience. I'd dragged Niall with me to go ice skating and almost convinced him to re-create Harry's part in the Night Changes music video. Luckily, neither one of us ended up with broken limbs, only icy knees and frozen fingertips. 

On the morning of our second day, I wake up before seven, eager to get out of the hotel and explore. Niall, however, has other ideas, and drags me back into bed with soft kisses and gentle whispers and I'm begrudgingly convinced to stay. 

My heart is beating so fast as Niall's fingers graze up and down my spine that I can't even hear the taxi's blazing their horns down on the street a few stories below. My head is resting on his chest, my leg shoved between his, and our arms draped over the other. We somehow always end up this way if we ever get a morning to sleep in together. His left hand leaves my back and goes up to my head, gently caressing through my hair and almost lulling me back to sleep.

"What do you want to do today, love?" Niall asks then. 

"Oh you'll see," I answer back, smiling teasingly. Niall doesn't know this, but I already have an itinerary planned out for the two weeks that we're here. What I didn't think to add in time for was morning sex, or any sex for that matter. After a lifetime of dreaming about this trip, it somehow never crossed my mind. 

"I'll see, hm? Don't tell me you have a schedule. Should've expected that."

"Course I have a schedule," I sit up and smile at him, "One that's planned to the minute. One that we're an hour behind on already."

Niall's brow furrows as he checks the time on his phone. "It's barely nine in the morning, love, and we're an hour behind?"

I nod and look to the window, which unfortunately has the curtain drawn. "All this time wasted laying in bed."

"Time is never wasted when I'm in bed with you," Niall grunts as he flips us over so he's hovering over me. 

I giggle as he kisses down my neck to my collarbone. "Stop, you know how ticklish I am."

"Don't care. Love your little giggles anyway." His hand comes up to cup my breast. My sharp intake of breath echoes through the room and Niall chuckles afterwards. "Love that even more."

My top is quickly discarded as Niall kisses here and there all the way down my torso. My nipples harden at first contact of the cool air in the hotel room. Niall absentmindedly pinches one and I swat his hand away. He whines, but smiles as he comes back up to kiss me. It's gentle, but I can feel his underlying urgency. 

"Niall--," I try to tell him if we can wait until tonight, but he kisses me so fervently that my mind fogs over. 

When he pulls away and moves his lips to his cheek, I hear him ask, "What's that, petal?" But I can't seem to get any coherent words to come out. 

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