Vacation - Part 4

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I stare up at Niall in complete and utter shock. His smile falters, but then he strokes my cheek and returns his smile.

"I want to marry you, (Y/N)," he states firmly. "Never thought I'd be so dedicated to a relationship as I am to making music, but here we are, two years in and I can't see a future without you. As mad as it sounds, I'd give up everything for you. Everything."

I've dreamed of being proposed to by Niall since I was fourteen years old. Literally, I've had dreams about it. But none of them actually prepared me for the possibility that it could happen. I met Niall by chance at a bar a couple years ago and he followed me back on Twitter. I didn't think anything else would come of it, until he messaged me a week later and we started talking. We went on our first date two months later. He flew in to see me, for one night only, before returning back to LA for an event he was performing at. Talk about commitment. 

Now, two years into our relationship, my dreams have actually come true. My delayed emotional response no doubt made Niall think I didn't want to marry him, so I make it up to him by pulling him down to kiss me and letting myself cry loudly.

"Yes I'll marry you," I sputter out through my sobs. "I'm gonna marry you so hard."

Niall laughs loudly and, of course, I laugh along with him. He kisses me until he's hard again, and slips himself inside me with an eager push.

"I love you so much, I feel like my heart's gonna explode," Niall grunts. We're chest to chest, making love with each other as we have hundreds of times, but it's different now. This is We-Just-Got-Engaged Sex. 

"'S how I feel every time I wake up and see you next to me," I grin, pushing my hand through his hair. 

He chuckles and kisses me quickly. "Such a sap."

"Says the sappiest person in this tent."

Our Engagement Sex ends as quickly as it started, both of us reaching orgasm after a measly ten minutes. Not as passionate or jaw-dropping as I'd hoped, but it was monumental anyway. 

Niall and I finish packing up everything and making our way to the rental car just before the sun slips below the horizon. We took at least a hundred pictures of the sunset and each other before finally gathering all our stuff. I think I might make a flip-book. 

"I know we had plans to go out to eat tonight, but I just don't know if I have the energy," Niall says to me once we're in the car. "Sex and beach and sex on the beach is exhausting, love."

I nod in understanding. "No worries there. I think we should shower, have a snack, take a nap, and then eat."

"It's a date." Niall starts up the car and backs out of the space.

"Speaking of date," I pause, reaching over to grab his hand, "We should get married in Australia. Next October? It'll give us ten months to plan. And it can be Halloween themed!"

Niall grins as he brings our hands up to kiss the back of mine. "I think that sounds great. Spring wedding in Australia."

"It's so weird that the seasons are at different times here."

"Aye, that's what happens when you're not in America, love."

I roll my eyes. "I know that. It's just...weird. It's weird. Spring in America is March through May."

"Do you think all your friends and family will be able to come to a wedding in Australia?"

I look out the window, knowing the answer is no. "My parents, maybe. I doubt anyone else could though."

"We'll just keep it small then. Your parents, my parents. Don't need anyone else."

I frown at the thought of it. I'd always imagined a wedding where all my best friends are by my side and my parents and the rest of my extended family are there. But it's not like I can ask Niall to pay for them to fly out and back home. I don't like taking advantage of his money.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 28, 2019 ⏰

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