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"Shouldn't we respect his privacy? You know, his choice in not telling us anything?"

Taehyung received Jin's accusing glare as an answer

"Yah Kim Taehyung don't be getting cold feet now! On which side are you, you traitor"

The grey-haired shrunk back a bit under his Hyung's eyes

"I'm not, it's just- he must have a reason for keeping all of this to himself." he pouted                   "And I don't want to be on either team" he added

"Traitor" the other mumbled

A hand came to lay on his shoulder

"Hyung be quiet for god's sake. You two can discuss this later don't you think?"

"Traitors" he said again "All of them" Jin grunted with exaggerated outrage, pulling away from Yoongi's damp breath running over his ear as if he just got burned. It barely fazed the younger, him only humming in confirmation.

" 's'right. Now, could the princess hurry up getting ready so we don't miss the pumpkin-turned carriage? We need to be home by 12 or everyone will watch you turn back into-"

He raked his eyes over Jin, mocking distaste pulling at the edge of his lips

"-well, you" he finished

"Yoongi don't start with me. It takes time to look as good as-" he gestured down along his figure "well, me" he mocked back, flicking Yoongi off "learn from me if you can. You need it"

"Hyung he's right though. We're going to be late" Taehyung piped with a whine

"Oh shut up, both of you! I'm done now anyway, just need to get my phone" Jin announced

When he stepped back into the room, he wore a frown, his unlocked phone in hand

"Finally! Thought I'd be older than you by the time you-Hyung? Something the matter?"

"Hyung?" Taehyung called for him instead when the oldest hadn't moved a muscle nor the distressed look on his face

"Jin hyung" Yoongi snapped

"Hu-Oh sorry" Jin's head snapped into said direction only to be met with waiting gazes for explanation

"Hoseok texted 5 minutes ago." he muttered, eyes snapping down to look at the device again "They can't reach Lana"

"What?" Taehyung asked perplexed "Did he write nothing else?"

The black-haired male shook his head "Only that they were going to keep trying"

"That doesn't make sense. Especially today, she wouldn't just have abandoned her phone" Taehyung had his brows pinched tight in thought "Has anyone checked her place yet?"

Another shake of the head

A huff from the other side

"We're already late so I guess it won't matter much now" Yoongi grabbed his keys of the dresser, other two following with hurry


"Ya open this door now or Yoongi's gonna stomp it down" Jin barked accompanied with violent fists against the closed door

At the mention of his name, he turned to the raven-haired

"Why do I have to stomp it down?! Taehyung's younger, he can do it" He jabbed at the youngest with an accusing finger

"Hyung I still need my energy" multiple bangs on the door underlining Taehyung's words as he joined Jin at hitting against the door

"Lana! Open the fuck up!"

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