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The sound of piano keys filled the large, nearly empty room, the notes carrying his fingers through the tactful song. The emotions of this piece were all over the place, he noted. Sometimes beautifully delicate, then weighty pounds to oppose. Sometimes remorseful, then greedy. When the music dies a tragic death after love, happiness, wrongdoings and fights - those were his favourite to play. The stories from all over the world were addicting to him.

When he finally let his current play die out he exhaled, opened his eyes and grimaced.

Clutching his left arm, he harshly exhaled again, massaging into the flesh

"Can't you just rest?" he accused, rubbing towards his hand and pinching between the knuckles

"I can only play this once because of you" he nagged

His shoulder only responded to him with a short stab of pain around his collarbone

"Yeah yeah. You're not very fond of scholarships. You let me know all the time"

He shook a few blue strands out of his eyes and started to pack up his bag that he left in the corner.

Studying Music with a busted shoulder wasn't easy but he knew that before he applied. It was just tiring, disappointing to know that his limits were already set.

Another painful pull in his fingers acted as if to chastise him

'It's your own fault. You didn't get it fixed. You didn't have the money. You can't do better'

It was a common reminder every time he played something challenging. Every time he would have to play multiple of such in front of someone who had the power to make his life a little better, just to reach his own bitter death simultaneously with the last note.

His mind forces to play the second, third song, but his body ends up becoming an uncontrollable, tactless, shaking mess not even half way through the second play.

He knew he had to try to push through, to be better, but it was just so hard to control.

But he already knew that before he applied.

Yoongi knew


Jimin's father always said to be kind to everyone he meets. You never know what someone is going through.

And if you know, you should choose wisely, if to act on it or to ignore it. It is like Business- reading faces and emotions to calculate your next move. A gesture, wether genuine or not, will be interpreted as the same if you do it right.

He has heard these words ever since he could comprehend them. It's now been 5 years since his father passed and left his spot as CEO to Jimin. But no matter how many times he has heard his Father's words, he has no interest in working in the business his family built from scratch. He leaves that kind of work to his Hyung, who was always a lot more devoted to the company than Jimin himself.

He decided to pursue a career he actually wanted to do. Pottery.

Thanks to his name and family he got an apprenticeship at one of the best.

The freedom and the possibilities of expression are what made him fall in love with it. The power of moulding the clay to his will but also the precision that is needed are his favourite factors.

But that's also as far as his mother's generosity goes. To have him be home as little as possible was a relief and to have him withdraw from the company a blessing.

Jimin knew of the resentment towards him and honestly it did hurt, even if he got used to it through all these years. Still, he calls her 'Mom' and tries to keep in her good graces.

If that means that he works overtime just so he gets home when everyone is already in bed, then so be it. He still hopes for her love, her affection. A hope that is crushed everyday and gets reignited the next morning.

But why would she. Why was he even hoping she'd suddenly find a liking to him like a naive little boy?

When he wasn't even her own blood, but only a daily reminder that her now-deceased husband cheated on her with a woman Jimin never got to meet. Attacking him and keeping him at a distance to see the evidence of her wreckage crumble, making sure he knows his place as the bastard she only helped raise because it was demanded by the chairman.

But then again, why was that his fault?


Seokjin the college student. Great grades, great looks, great personality. He was popular amongst girls and boys alike. But no one could ever get as close to him to call him 'boyfriend'. He is known to be heartwarmingly charming and a gentleman but coldhearted when you confess.

He turned everyone down that ever approached him.

Jin of course has heard of the rumour with various attachments such as a personality disorder and that he was deceiving everyone by putting up that nice front only to turn one down coldly.

With time he noticed nearly all of those people were quiet similar. They all wanted to talk to him, be friends with him, use him - only to talk trash behind his back. They call him deceiving but it's actually the other way around.

Seokjin is the type of person to only trust a handful of people and for him to trust, it has to be earned. And even then he pays attention to what he tells them - and what not.

Except for this one time, years ago when he was in his last year of high school.

The same rules applied even then. He was cautious but mannered, analysing but friendly and he kept his distance. But he had more friends he trusted and confided in.

A beautiful face, long brown hair, and a giddy personality was what he met a few months before graduation. It started with a chat, then a drink and ended with drunken sex in his car. Numbers were exchanged and a second meeting was set two days after.

If someone asked him now 'why her of all people' he honestly couldn't answer. He just felt drawn to her, like a moth to a flame. The way she smiled, the way her hair fell, the way she talked, the way they touched during quiet nights..

He confided in her just as she did in him. They spent long nights under the moon, exchanging kisses, stories and secrets.

Seokjin knows he put her on a pedestal, remembers how he looked at her, what he felt by only watching her gaze at him with those dark-green eyes.

The rumours of their time spent together, his forbidden stories and secrets where suddenly circling around the school. Rumours of her spending nights with a man that wasn't Jin.

That she used him. Played with him. Made him believe the flame was safe enough to be embraced by it.

In only a few months she became everything to him. And in only a day she became a scar he still carries to this day.


I wanted to give you a little insight on personal life and the different struggles or hardships the members go through because I barely wrote any Information about them before..But I really enjoyed writing these🥰

You never know what a person is going through. Be kind to one another and stay safe!❤️

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