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*This chapter is going to have sexual tension and is going to be angsty af*

Someone guided you through the labyrinth of the crowd, pushed you forwards in a blur and now you were standing rooted in front of the dressing room Jungkook had just disappeared into and seemed all to familiar from the last time you had been here.

"C'mon Noona get a move on" Taehyung hissed from behind you

You lifted your shoulder as if to shrug him off, turning to shoot him a glare

"Taehyung shut it or I'm gonna physically hurt you"

"Oh you can fight me but not the youngling behind this door" he mocked "thanks, makes me feel really good to hear that"

You rolled your eyes, choosing to ignore him, and turned back to face the door that was still waiting to be breached by yours truly

"Should I push you again?"

Another glare was thrown at Taehyung's head and he raised his hands, either in surrender or in declaration that he was -indeed- going to push you.

So you finally willed yourself, shut your eyes and took the remaining steps in a long stride, flat hands pushing against the door with maybe a bit too much force but it got you into the sweaty-smelling room with a bang anyways.

"Noon- Lana! What the fuck?"

And there he stood, wide-eyed, sweaty and very much shirtless to your surprise.


"We need to talk" you forced the words out

He looked taken aback for a mere second, before he fixed his posture and slipped into his usual blank expression

"I don't think we do." he stated calmly, continuing to wipe the sweat off his chest

"But I do, so we will." you tried your best to sound confident

You were surprised when you heard him laugh. But it wasn't happy or even amused.

It was mocking, disbelieving

"You think you're so special, don't you?" he laughed again "We have nothing to talk about and that's final. Go back to the playground you came from and leave me alone. I'm not in the mood for your games"

You rolled your eyes. Of course he was going to play the immature card

"Right but we're supposed to just settle with yours"

He had started to rub through his wet hair with a towel, still looking into a mirror and seemingly dismissing you through the nonchalant lack of eye contact

"We're? Don't tell me you're here because of them" he glanced your direction for the first time, but that was all you got

"I'm here with them" you clarified "they care too"

He dropped the towel he was using and clicked his tongue disapprovingly

"Oh so you're best friends with them now huh? Formed a little kindergarten losers club? That's cute" he spoke to his reflection, sickeningly sweet

"What has gotten into you" you breathed angrily. The way he talked about the people he "once" cared for the most was upsetting.

"Reality." he said plainly

You watched him for a while as he kept staring at himself in the mirror, not moving, not uttering a word

"What a man you are" you seethed quietly "You should be real proud of yourself, really should" you took a few steps towards him feeling rage slowly rising in the pit of your stomach

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