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Your mouth shut closed to a grim expression the second he spoke.

"What are you doing here?" you right out demanded.

"I was in the neighbourhood and..well thought I could stop by" there was an expectant look on his face with a hesitant tug of a smile but you could only harden your expression at his lame attempt of a joke.

"I'm going to ask you again. What are you doing here?"

He looked uncomfortable, the tension seeping through your pores settling around the both of you like invisible fog. He was dripping wet and hair strands stuck to his forehead no matter how many times he was trying to shake them out. Was it raining?

"You didn't want to have anything to do with any of us. So why are you here now?"

"I...I don't know" he answered with a genuinely confused look on his face.

"You don't know" you repeated, eyebrow slowly rising as you waited for him to elaborate.

"I just-I just ran and- " he looked like he was searching for his own answer "-ended up here, I guess"

"You ran? You live down the street" you deadpanned.

"I wasn't at home" he just said.

"Still doesn't answer my question, why you're here instead of your own house"

"I-Can I come in?"

You eyed him, from his dripping hair down to his wet sneakers. You saw him shiver slightly.

"I guess" you answered begrudgingly and stepped to the side to make room for him.

He thanked you quietly and hesitantly squeezed past you through the door.

The door closed with a loud click as the two of you moved into the living room, with a soaked Jungkook standing in the middle of it, awkwardly fidgeting with his clasped hands.

Turning on your heel wordlessly, you went to find a towel to dry him off and when you came back with one in hand, you found him in the same position as you left him.

"Here. Use this" you handed him the towel which he took with a grateful little bow.

It was kind of cute to see him this hesitant and formal.

You eyed him again as he went over his hair with the dry cloth, making sure you kept your distance.

"Jungkook" he met your eyes and waited for you to continue as he shuffled through his bangs. "What were you doing running in the rain? You're drenched"

His gaze went down to his shoes.

"Uhm I don't really want to talk about it..I just wanted to get away so to say. The rain was a welcoming distraction"

He looked uncomfortable again, shrinking a little under your scrutinising gaze.

"Is that all you're going to say?"

When he nodded it caused you to sigh again. He seemed like a never ending mystery to you and it slowly but surely began to piss you off. But you weren't going to push him, if he didn't want to talk about it. Didn't mean that the curiosity didn't kill you though.

"Alright. Do you need some clothes to change into? I can tell you're freezing"

You didn't wait for an answer as you went to your closet to look through some clothes your brother likes to leave for emergencies. You found a ratty pair of sweats and a t-shirt to match which you passed on to the boy still waiting in the living room.

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