The Worst/Best Collage Year Ever .2.

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Finally I can just sit back and relax. Rooming with a girl can’t be all that bad; I have a few pranks I could pull. after thinking about it for a while i decided to to take a shower. Getting ready for a shower I walked to the bathroom and turned the water on. This should be priceless. The warm water felt good. After the shower I walked out with nothing but the towel around my waist.  That’s when I found my first opportunity to prank her. Walking into the living room in just the towel she squealed as I passed by and covered her face with her hands.


Out of the corner of my eye I saw Chance walk by in nothing but a towel. OH GOD. I squealed and slapped my hands over my eyes.

“W-what the HELL dude” I screamed, I could feel my cheeks burning. The fridge door opened and then slammed closed, I didn’t dare open my eyes.

“Should I take offence that you don’t want to see my sick pack?” he said, his voice was smooth with mockery. My face was probably as red as a fire truck by now, crap.

“What...NO...wait...Yes, yes you should go put friken cloths on!” I screamed uncovering my eyes and standing up; he instantly lit up, my eyes widened at the perfect body I was staring at. Although he wasn’t facing me anymore I could still see his muscles, but now looking in the pantry.

“Stop checking me out will ya?”  He said still not looking at me; I could feel my face getting redder. His arms were just perfectly muscular along with his tan skin; damn I was checking him out.

“I’m not!” I denied, which was a lie, I totally was, but I quickly looked away as he closed the pantry.

“Keep telling yourself that sweetheart” he said walking towards me.


I knew what I was going to do next, since she wouldn’t look at me. I walked up behind her, grabbed her waist and pulled her close.

“Just keep telling yourself that…sweetheart.” I said against her neck, I could feel the shiver go down her spine. I trailed a few kisses from her neck to her shoulder; I could feel her tense up and hold her breath. Then finally went back to my room to get dressed. Finally dressed I dried my hair and walked back out to get some food.

“You better be dressed” she said with a stern voice and looking away from me; she was in the same spot she was moments ago.

“Don’t get your panties in a bunch sweetheart I’m dressed” I said with a laugh, this year should be much more fun with her around. I grabbed a bag of chips, water and headed back to my room. She just stood there giving me the death stare.

“Breath” I whispered in her ear as I passed by and winked at her.


“Breath” his words echoed in my ears as I stood there hypnotized by the way his eyes shined. Is he TRYING to mess up my mind? I defiantly DON’T need this before collage starts, just great. I finally went back to my room so I could finish unpacking; that is until I noticed my door was open, and I do remember closing it. Guess who was lying on my bed reading my DIARY!

“OUT OF MY ROOM NOW” I screamed, making him jump.

“What’s up cupcake?” He said tossing my diary to the side and putting his arms behind his head. Man did that pose look sexy, wait don’t think like that.

“Out…now” I said while giving him my best impression of a death glare, he still didn’t move.

“Make me” he said grinning. Muttering under my breath I went to drag him off my bed, he still didn’t budge. I grabbed his arm and tried pulling him towards the door, but that backfired. Before I knew it his arm was around my waist, and I was being flung over against the wall and him. He flung his leg over my legs, and put an arm above me.

“What’s the rush princess, don’t you want to see your prince?” He said mocking me with a smile. Pushing my back against the wall even more, and kneeing him in the junk with my other leg I was able to quickly shove him off the bed. He hit the floor with a thump and grunted in pain.

“Sorry bout your boys, but no boys allowed in my bed” I said peering over the end of the bed at him while failing at hiding my grin.


“You’ll pay for that” I mumbled, stranding up, walked over to Caroline, and picked her up. It was a good thing she was shorter than me otherwise I would have dropped her. She tried to escape but I just tightened my grip. As she squealed I hulled her out of her room and to the couch. Before she could get up I lay down on top of her, crossed my arms over her chest and rested my head down.

“You’re squishing me” she breather out trying to get out from under me.

“That’s the point sweetheart” I said with a grin on my face, this year would definitely be fun. After 5 minutes of her struggling, I shifted my weight and stared into her hazel eyes.

“Can you get off of me now, because I will seriously find a way to bruise your boys again” she said breathlessly.

“Fine” I said with a laugh which was really awkward because I was still on her. I got up and headed back to my room to finish getting settled in.

“This year should be fun, don’t you think?” I asked as I walked into my room , not giving her a chance to answer.

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