The Worst/Best Collage Year Ever .3.

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Her reaction was priceless, sure it was mean but hey…I’m a guy. I put on some music, loud, and started unpacking, man this is probably the most boring thing I’ve done this week. Man it was hot, I was in my room, so my rules, and so I took off my shirt. Much better, I continued unpacking and listening to my rap music. A loud bang on my door interrupted my favorite song, great.

“This better be important” I said opening my door, well wouldn’t you know, Caroline.

“w- …you’re… never mind… I have a friend coming over please either stay in your room or put a shirt on…I don’t need her to faint” she said, this should be amusing.

“Only if you stop checking me out sweetheart” I said with a wink and her face lit up like a red Christmas tree

“I-I’m not” she yelled in denial as she walked away, she totally was.


God he was so annoying, he better not mess up my collage year. When the doorbell finally went off I was relived. Finally I could have a girl around, I was wrong.

“Oh…um hey is chance here? Or do I have the wrong room?” HE said, what the heck who was he?

“Oh um… no he’s here… who are you?” I asked confused his tall figure looked down at me, his brown hair, and his green eyes looks so good together. Dimmit I was checking him out, I mentally shook myself I had to stop.

“I’m Jay…Chances friend” his green eyes sparkled against the dull light in the apartment.

“Caroline let him in already …Jay and I have some things to plan” Chance said from behind, all grin, and still shirtless. Jay walked in and headed to Chance’s room. I closed the door and mutters from the other room had me wanting to eavesdrop, but that was wrong, but I did anyway.

“Got the plan?” I heard chance say in a really not so quiet whisper. Before I could hear anything else the doorbell went off, FINALLY she got here.

“Kayla!” I screamed as I saw my best friend behind my apartment door. We hugged and squealed for about two minutes. That is until Kayla did her fan girl squeal and hit the floor.

“Kayla? What the heck?” I said turning around, and my eyes widened with shock. Standing behind me were Jay and Chance, shirtless, and holding water guns. Why did I have to share a living space with him again?


With Caroline staring at us in terror and her friend, who I’m guessing fainted, life couldn’t get any better.

“SOAK EM” I yelled as we shot our water guns. She squealed and we laughed. Carolines friend finally got up and a smile appeared on her face.

“HI I’m Kayla…you’re HOT” she said as her eyes widened “crap… did I just say that out loud?” Caroline nodded as she laughed.

“Finally some one notices the obvious” Jay mumbled as we headed back to my room. We laughed the whole way down the hall and put our shirts back on.  This was going to be fun.

“Priceless dude when’s our next strike?” jay asked me as we rummaged through his bag of pranks. smiling we both looked at each other, we found the perfect prank.

"Jay... do you know how to make brownies?" i asked smiling, no girl can resist brownies left out in the kitchen. Caroline and Kayla were in the other bedroom as we snuck off to the kitchen.

"hash brownies" we said together as we put the mix into the oven, and  the room filled with the smell of brownies in an instant. We could hear their giggles from the other room, and the brownies were almost done. This is going to be awesome. with in a couple minutes the oven dinged, saying the brownies were done.

"What smells so good?" a voice from the other room said, time to put our plan into action. the girls peaked out from behind the door with hungry eyes. perfect.

"girls what ever you do, DO not eat these brownies alright? where going to wait in my room while they cool ... got it?" i said as they stared past us at the plate of brownies behind us. we slowly walked away and into my room, and any minute now they would take the bait.

"man i thought i lost my bad ass bro when you said you where going to collage but oh my god im going to love this new you" jay said as we waited for the sound of forks against the pan. The sound of the pan hitting the floor had us jumping to our feet, crap.

"Caroline whats gotten into you?" Kayla said.we walked over to find Caroline rolling on the floor rapped in a blanked like a mummy.

"hmm you know how she gets when she eats... HALF A PAN OF BROWNIES...did you have any?" i said to Kayla who was staring at jay, SOMEONE has the hots for my best friend.

"err no i just got out of the potty..." she said shyly, hmm.

note to self: hook jay up with Kayla, hid brownies from Caroline so i don't get my ass beaten.

"well ill take care of her, those brownies, were um... they had medicine in it ill make sure shes okay, jay... walk her out?" i said as i walked over to the little mummy on the floor and picked her up. Kayla nodded and jay walked her out and left as well, alone with a girl on drugs...great, my best friend ditched me. i set her down on the couch and sat on the opposite end, might as well see whats on t.v.. Caroline just sat there staring at me, awkward, i wonder what shes thinking.

"what do you wanna watch?" i asked her as she scooted closer to me, what the heck. with my feet kicked up on the cushions next to me, taking up most of the couch, she leaned over and laid down next to me. her head was on my shoulder, and she was so close, what the hell is she doing?

clearing my voice i said "ER...what do you want to watch?" again she didn't answer, ugh do all girls on drugs not listen? she looked up at me and gave me a peck on my jaw line, what the fuck? i stared down into her hazel eyes, and before i knew it her lips were on mine, my hand on her waist, and her taste in my mouth, delightful. The couch was small but perfect, she pulled away, her eyes lit up as she looked up at me. I wish she would be on hash brownies every day, i like her like this.

"can you keep a secret?" she whispered against my lips, man i just wanted to hold her.

"mm hmm" i mumbled, why do  feel so weak all of a sudden? Whats going on with me?

"your a good kisser" she giggled, that wasn't really a secret but i'd take that as  complement. smiling i bent down closing the distance and kissing her again. Forget about the t.v. I'd take this over anything. after a few minutes she leaned back smiled and she lay her on my shoulder, looking down at her i realized i was shirtless, how did that happen? looking around i found my shirt on the coffee table, I was still holding her, trapped between her and the couch, perfect.


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