Chapter 8

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Dean glances at me. "Um, we're camping. Is there a problem, sir?" He asks. The two officers glance around then look back at us. My heart beating against my chest. "Have you not read the newspapers recently, young man?" The cop says. "No sir, we're not from this county." Dean says. The other cop stares at me questionably. I stand up and walk closer to Dean. "Well we are going to have to ask you boys to vacate these woods immediately."
"Why?" I butt in.
"For certain reasons." The cop that was staring at me says.
"We're not leaving till you tell us why." I demand.
"Look boy, if you don't shut your mouth you both are going to get in some trouble for being disrespectful to a cop."
"We have the right to know-!" I argue.
Dean turns to me, grabbing my arms with both hands and pushing me back, away from the cops. "Cas, calm down-"
"We have a right to know Dean!"
"Just shut up. We'll figure out when we leave these woods, okay? You and I both don't need to get into any trouble so just shut your freaking mouth for two minutes." He says in a harsh whisper. I bite my lip then say "Fine." in a mumble. He lets go of me and walks back to the cops.
"We'll pack up and leave as quickly as possible, sir." Dean says to them. "We'll be back here to make sure you are gone." They say, looking around one more time then walk the other way. Dean turns back to me and says, "Start packing up." I obey and start packing the few things we had setup.

Dean walks out of Ingles and towards the car. I turn down the music as he opens the door and gets in. He throws the newspaper on my lap. "Read page six." I turn to page six and read it.
There's been a few attacks in the forest we were in. Also people who were reported to be missing, last seen around/were told they'd be in, those woods. Two bodies found dead, reported to be animal attacks. Three were attacked also by an 'animal', their limbs ripped/bitten at, they are now hospitalized for their ninth day. Except one who got away with little injuries, was released on their second day. One is told he has a type of lung disease, before the trip to the woods he said his lungs were perfectly find.
"So what do you think... it's a monster?" I ask, looking away from the paper to him. He nods. "Possibly." He glances at me. "Any ideas?" I ask. "Nope, nada."

"What exactly are we gonna do?" I ask, looking around the dark forest. "Well, we're gonna camp-like we came here to do-and uh, if we so happen to catch this thing then there's that." He shrugs. I laugh at him. I keep walking ahead of him. I can not see at all, it's pitch black. But, I can feel, and you wanna know what I feel? My foot soaking in freezing freakin' cold water. "Dammit!" I shout. "There's water up here, be careful." I warn him. Dean comes up with the flashlight and laughs at me. He shines the light on my foot and not only is it water, but also but. I groan and move pick up my foot, shaking it. "Hey! Hey! Hey! Watch it!" Dean shouts, moving away so he doesn't get mud or water on him. I laugh. Then he comes back over with the light. While I have my right foot up my other one start slipping in the mud. Dean grabs under my arm and literally picks me, so neither of my feet are touching the ground for a few seconds. He keeps a hand on my shoulder to steady me. "Did you pack anymore shoes?" He laughs. "Nope, these were the only extra ones I brought."
"I think I saw a small clear section over there that we can camp at." He says, pointing to the right. We walk over there and decide it's good. "No tent, no fire, and nothing noticeable." Dean says. "Aight." I say. We unroll our sleeping bags and tie our bags to a tree so no animals will take them.
I grab a water from the cooler then sit on a stump. I daze off, nearly falling asleep but was interrupted by the sound of footprints. I jump. I had nearly forgotten Dean went off... oops. He walks up behind me, putting his chin on my head, hands on my shoulders. "You're cold." He says. "Now that you mention it, yeah I am." I say. "Do you want my hoodie?" He asks, but before I can answer he takes it off and hands it to me. "Are you not cold?" I question as I put it on. "No, actually I was getting kind of hot." Once I get it on I am instantly surrounded by warmth. Most of it probably from him, for he had been wearing it for about four hours now. "Are you tired?" He asks, surprisingly leaning back forward, putting his arms around me. He messes with the drawstrings of his hoodie. "Yeah, I guess." I say. "So I'm guessing the supernatural just follows you around everywhere, doesn't it?" He laughs. "You could say it's my curse."
I lean back on him and yawn. Then he moves, leaving me for dead. Right before I hit the ground he catches me, one hand under my head the other on my lower back. "I fucking hate you so much." I say. He smirks. He pulls me up and I stand up. "Are you ready to go to sleep?" He asks. "I don't know if I can sleep now, I nearly died."
"You wouldn't have died."
"I could've."
"You never know.!"
We unroll our sleeping bags and get in them. I leave half of it open so I don't get too hot.
"I can't believe I got both of my shoes soaked." I say as I stare up at the sky. Dean just laughs then says; "Goodnight Cas."

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