Chapter 9

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The hospital held me there for three days, but at least I made it. They told me I was lucky I made it, they doubted I would. I could've cared less if I died or lived, to be honest. Although living is cool, I guess.

I groan as I sit down on the bench. "You got it?" Dean asks, sitting down too. I nod as I press my lips together. "Sorry," He mutters. "It's not your fucking fault." I say. He just glares at me. "Sorry, I'm sorry." I say, looking away.

"What's happening at home? With your dad and whatever?" I eventually ask. "He just got mad at me for always being gone; said that I should start looking out for Sammy more. He's the parent, and I'm suppose to look after him more? I practically raised Sam, for Christ's sake.
He said that I'm "grounded", whatever the hell that's suppose to mean. He can't ground me if he's not even home." He spits. "It's like he doesn't even want me to have a little bit of a normal life."
"What a dick." I mutter.
"You're telling me."

I look down at my feet, noticing that our legs are touching from the foot to our knees. His knee leaning on mine. It reminds me of our close-kiss. I must just be over imagining it, we're best friends; that's all. "Cas, what are you looking at." Dean hits me on the shoulder, shaking me out of my gaze. I look up at him. His eyes too green to be real. "Oh, sorry. What did you say?" I say automatically almost. "I asked how are your wounds doing." He informs. "Oh," I say. "Fine, I guess. I don't know, hurts still, every time I move." He nods. He stares at me for a while, making me uncomfortable for some reason. Then he says, "Are you not hot? I'm melting over here!" I look over at him. His hair is matted down, unlike the usual spiked up. I shrug. "Lets go get ice cream. Y'know, unless you don't eat it." He jokes. "You're really gonna hold me down to the whole not-drinking soda thing aren't you?" I say. "You know it." He says, standing up. He helps me up and we walk towards town.

"Uh, Dean?" I say, breathlessly.
"Yeah?" He replies, turning around.
"Can we...take a break?" I ask, leaning on one of the shop's windows.
"Yeah, of course." He walks over to me. "Are you okay?"
I nod.
"You sure? Cas, you don't look too good. What's wrong?"
"Just... a little dizzy." I say, putting my forehead to the window. Dean comes and grabs me under my shoulders, pulling me to a bench near by. He sits me down. I rest my head on my hand. "Please don't tell me you're having troubles breathing..." He says. "Why?" I ask, almost in a whisper. "Because the Kalau can make people have trouble with breathing, and/or have a type of lung disease..."
"Fuck." I mutter.
"Oh," He says, almost sadly. "I doubt you have lung disease, it didn't have you that long. If anything, you'll just have a bit of trouble with breathing. We can get you an inhaler, to help." He says, trying to cheer me up. I stand up and slowly start limping myself down the sidewalk again, Dean follows. "So how do they even do that?" I question. "Um, they like, suck your face or some weird shit." He says, making weird hand motions near his face. "They suck your face? Do you mean this creepy-ass... thing, sucked my face?" He laughs. "I don't know, I guess." I shove him with my shoulder, nearly making him trip over a flowerpot. "Karma," I say. "What? I'm not the one who sucked your face!" He defends, putting his hands up.

We turn into the cool ice cream shop. The line is semi-long but moves swiftly surprisingly.


We end up spending the rest of the day hanging around town doing a whole bunch of nothing. Also, Dean got me an inhaler. Once night falls we head back to the park.

We walk along the sidewalk in silence. Things have been different between Dean and I ever since our near-kiss. There seems to be an awkward funk between us for no reason.

Our hands briefly touch. Dean glances at me. "Dean-" I say, coming to a stop. "Yeah?" He replies, also stopping. "I don't know how to put it..." I say, regretting saying anything at all. "Are we going to talk about it?" I ask. "Talk about what? Cas, what are you talking about?" He says, confused. I feel my cheeks flush, hopefully he can't see it in the dim light. "We almost kissed, Dean. You leaned in, as to kiss me; back at that tree when we were hiding from the officers." I remind him. "It was nothing, I didn't mean to lean in." He says, looking away. "You're lying, I know you too well Dean." I say. "It was just the heat of the moment Cas; let it go." He starts walking away. "Dean, wait. Talk to me, goddammit." I say, grabbing his arm. He turns around but doesn't look at me-stares behind me. "You've been acting weird ever since; d-do you.." I trail off. What am I doing? Why couldn't I just keep my mouth shut for five fucking minutes? "Cas- I....I don't know," He mumbles. "I got to go." Then he does, he jogs to his car and drives away; leaving me alone.

I sit under the tree near my bench, thinking over everything that just happened. It happened so quickly, in a blink of an eye. I could've just ruined our friendship; who knows.

I pull my knees up and run my hands through my hair.

Looking at it now, it seems clear. It's so much more than just friends. I knew that I liked Dean a little more than just friends, just I never paid attention to it. We've always flirted somewhat, I guess, but again we've just never paid attention to it. I wonder if he looks at it the same way, or if it's just me, and I only see it like that...

It starts raining, hard. I decide to start walking home.

I get home soaking wet. My dad's laying on the couch. His mouth open, snoring. I grab a blanket and put it over him gently then turn off the loud tv.

I go to my messy room and lie down in my wet clothes.

I shut my eyes so I can fall asleep. The last thought being: I think I'm in love with my best friend.

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