B-Log v32

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The date is unknown.

Last recorded time zone was in the 41st millennium coming up to our fourth cycle on the planet of Blanka, which we were stationed upon to protect for it was a forge world of the Imperiam.

The usual Ork infestation was to be purged and pushed back. progress was being made when suddenly half the planet was enveloped by a warp storm bringing chaos daemon spawn and many other beings of madness and horror upon our entrenchment.

We were to hold the line against these foul abominations to the last man if need be! For it is the Emperors will to have every impure, nonhuman or heretical scum to be purge via bolter or flame! While I was on my way to the rear, my Chimera was swallowed by a fissure within the warp and pulled into the eternal madness within along with its crew.

Once I, CommissarVeltez and the Chimeras operating crew, had come to... It was clear we were now in a completely different plane of existence, a very strange realm with many symbols, imagery and bright white planes. A vast, never ending expansion of white with the chaotic imagery spread far and wide.

I have warned my charges of interacting with these anomalies. No doubt they are connected to the warp therefore are related to chaos energies. The last thing I need right now is these plebeians fall to chaos.

I must remain vigilant. There is no telling what dark horrors await within this chaotic realm.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 12, 2019 ⏰

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