Ren x Fem Badass! Reader: Weirdo Girl

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Requested by: otaku_love_anime
Hope you like this!

"Sooooo basically we are all summoned here to protect this world?" Chorus of nods answered my question.

"This is bullshit, even shittier than I expected. How can we even protect this world when we can't even protec Area 51 from all the shitty things that kept 'appearing'." Series of confused faces once again recieved my statement. My fave remained blank as I processed my own words, once it did, my mouth fromed an 'o' and nod.

"I got it. Continue please." I sat on the ground and acted as if nothing happened.

"Uhh.. Ahem.. Now adventurers, pick your chosen hero.." The King awkwardly answered making me internally grin.

"Ohoho~ it seems no one has picked me, probably from my weirdness hehe" I thought and a grin now appeared on my face, one male seemed to be bothered since he also couldn't get one not that I care.

Knowing about all the heroes helped me lot. I know who to go when I need, who to talk, and avoid.. Let's not mention eh?

One specific person I wanted to annoy was Ren, the silent swordsman wannabe.

Don't stare at me, I'm also thinking of Kirito—


Currently, we were supposedly leveling up without getting near each other since all would go to waste, and so my plan took place.
I was hanging at a tree near Ren's leveling up place. Everytime he slays monster, zero keeps on appearing on his screen, making my smile widen. (Imagine Cheshire Cat's smile)

"I'm done with this, show yourself." Ren announced making his team-mates confused and alert.

I jumped from the tree and front flipped infront of them, bowing after doing so.

"I heard my prescense was needed Sire?" I smirk up his way and blink seductively his way. I grinned in triumph as I saw the tip of his ears turn red.

"Why are you here? Shouldn't you be leveling up somewhere?"

"Nah~ I happen to find some entertainment~!" I answered with a teasing smirk once again and somehow my heart punched a pang of hurt after seeing his saddened eyes, though it quickly turned normal.

I watch hin sigh as he turned around, ignoring me and going into his confused followers.

"Heeeyyy~! Don't leave meeee!" I whined and cling into his arm, his expression annoyed, though I could careless.

"Leave me alone, I can't level up with you here." I Shook my head stubbornly making him sigh again.

This day was getting better atleast..

For the past few days, Ren and his followers got used to (Y/N)'s random appearing, they were confused of her motive though, especially Ren who couldn't stop liking the said girl.

In a few minutes, the wave would happen, all the heroes were now present.
When he countdown has place in 5, all were nervous for their first wave, not knowing what was in there.

But when the junber turned zero, they hadn't expected that they would not team up.

Somehow Ren and (Y/N) ended uonwith each other, making it a good news.

The bad news were they were surrounded with large beasts.

"Chains of Thorns!" The chain with a blade sticking in the end, wrapped around a one beast, large thorns appeared once they stick to the skin, the beast roaring and falling after being pierce.

(Y/N) clicked her tounge in annoyance,

"Ren, don't go far from me."

When she didn't recieve a response, she quickly look behind and saw an empty space, a few distance from her was Ren, a few scartches here and that but he was surrounded.

Everything seemed to slow as a summon circle appear above the sky, right above Ren, which hadn't notice it.

(Y/N) acted with out thinking and dashed a few meters from Ren and the monster, throwing the blade in Ren's way, wrapping and pulling him harshly making him yelp. At least she saved his life.

She was careless though.

Ren came flying at right at her, and when they came in contact, they tumbked on the groan and both groan in pain.

(Y/N) tried to sit uo but couldn't as a weight on top of her stop her.
Her eyes widen at their position.
Ren was straddling (Y/N) who was suprise and found the chance to tease him.

"I didn't know you wanted to do this here." She blurted out and her face flushed.

"W-Wha t-the fu-! S-Shut!!" Ren's face was priceless as he stuttered with a scarlet face.

(Y/N) only chuckled and kissed his cheeks.

"I promise I'll do more than that." She meant the kiss not the position..


She flew from the place the two were in and found a wholesome confidence with her.
Her chains seemed to act like a whip as they bang against the monsters, which was full of Red Hot Flames mixed with lightning energy making it easier to win the situation.

Ren stood staring at the girl in awe.
From her annoying appearance he thought she hadn't practice things like this but he underestimated her.

The battle quickly ended as the bell made a 'ding' sound as the cloudy wave disappear.

(Y/N) returned at Ren with face full of dirt and some scratches from flying to trees. She was grinning though.

"How was it—" She didn't finish her sentence as she was pulled forward, lips to lips with her long time.. Ehh.. Semi long time crush.

The kiss was sweet but full of passion, as quickly as it started, it ended with (Y/N) flustered as heck.

"I.. Uh.. Sorry—"Ren was cut off as (Y/N) pecked his lips with a smile.

"Don't be"

"Then will you be my girlfriend?"

"I'd love to."


"You just like interrupting each other, no?" Motoya's(?) annoying voice appeared behind them.




"Ponytail haired dude"

"Anddd they also get along."

"Shut up useless bow user." (Y/N) blankly answer to Itsuki's statement.

Umm.. Dunno if I got it right but I had fun writng this 😂🖤

Stay tune for more~シ

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