Of Men And Angels

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AFTER GIVING Luke the bark to sooth the side effects of a werewolf Alpha bite, Magnus turned towards a passed out Indiana who had been laid in a guest room.
Taking a singular look at her back was enough for him to see it was too late. Indiana would face severe scarring.

Gently hitting her with some magic, her unconscious body un-tensed and her eyes slowly began to flutter open as her breathing began to pick up. Reaching out she blindly grabbed Magnus' hand and clenched it tightly, sweat began to roll down her forehead as the warlock lightly brushed her hair out of the way. Taking in deep gulps out air, the girl felt as if she was drowning,
"Breath with me." Magnus said as he drew in a deep breath.
In. Out. In. Out.
The pattern sounded so much simpler than it was, but slowly Indiana heart slowed down and she opened her tear stained eyes.

"Oh kitten." He whispered pulling the small girl into a hug, she held on for dear life.
He pulled out of the hug and stood up turning towards the door. He heard a loud whisper behind him,
"Please don't go." Indiana whispered,
"If you go it could happen again, please don't go." She reiterates at Magnus' confused look.

Grabbing the girls hand he brought her out of the room and into the main living room
where Clary was.
"Oh thank god your okay." Clary reached forward to pull Indiana into a hug but Indiana instead flinched away, leaning further back in to Magnus. After Clary sees Magnus' subtle head shake she quickly backs off.

The warlock sits Indiana on the couch not occupying Luke and heads towards a table full of pots.
"What's all this for?" Clary asks as Indiana sits unmoving staring into space,
"The base for the potion. Stir." Magnus directs the taller redhead,
"We need to have it ready before your boy toy get back." He jokes, referring to Simon, trying to relieve some tension.

"What if they don't get back in time?" Clary snaps
"You can't think like that, biscuit." Magnus hesitates,
"That's all I can think about." She scoffs,
"Magnus, I don't know if I can do this anymore. Okay, I'm an art student. All my adventures are supposed to be two-dimensional." Clary complains.

Indiana listens a blank look on her face hiding her inner turmoil. Clary complaining is fucking rich she thinks, Magnus didn't say it but from the look on his face it was obvious to see that her back had scarred, just how severely she wasn't sure and the touch of anyone except Magnus currently made her feel sick, what she wouldn't give to have Clary's problems right now.

"Jocelyn! No, don't don't- Wait, don't touch her." Luke reached out and started to pant. Indiana froze, she wanted to help him, rush towards the only man even close to a father figure, and yet she couldn't move. As much as she willed herself to stand, she couldn't because he was a werewolf and what they had done was unforgivable.

She knew he was not like the others, that he would never do that to her and yet she was stuck.
Taking in a deep breath she stood, slowly, legs wobbling and made her way over to Luke,
"Luke, I'm here. I'm here." She whispered, grabbing his hand softly as Magnus gently moved her out the way,
"Let me take your pain away." He offered,
"No. No." He gasped painfully.

"Agitation only makes the venom work faster." Magnus Warner the werewolf,
"I need to tell Indi and Clary." He panted out forcefully,
"Save your strength." Clary almost ordered,
"No, you need to know. No, please."
"Magnus, do it." Indiana snapped, unable to see Luke in pain any longer as her own screams echoed through her head.

"You need to tell them, all of it. Promise me." Luke groaned as he tensed in pain, Magnus nods lightly before clicking his fingers and releasing his magic,
"The poison is spreading. The boys must hurry." Magnus dictates.

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