How Are Thou Fallen

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STEPPING THROUGH THE portal with Magnus, Indiana was back at his apartment.
"I mean, how would they feel?" Indiana joked.
"Well, I'm glad you didn't ask in front of the sushi chef." Magnus smirked.
"I mean come on though, fatty tuna, it's a bit mean isn't it." Indiana laughs.
"Hmm, well... I don't think obese tuna sounds any better." Magnus quips.

Indiana sets her bags down and turns to the warlock.
"Thank you for taking me out. Tokyo and Prague and everywhere, I've had a rough time and it means a lot." Indiana thanks him as she rummages around in one of her bags.
"The world is your oyster, Kitten." Magnus smiles.

Indiana pulls a small box from her bag.
"I got you something." She smiles shyly, passing the box to Magnus who looks rather shocked.
"Me?" He asks and Indiana smiles.
"Yes, you. Open it." She prompts him and watches as Magnus opens the box and pulls out a small sparkling cherry blossom attached to a chain.
"It's an enchanted cherry blossom that will live forever. It's supposed to symbolise friendship." Indiana whispers.

"Thank you, Indiana. Your friendship means a lot to me." Magnus hugs her.
"You mean a lot to me." Indiana says quietly.

The two share a smile before Indiana hears a piercing cry and drops to the ground screaming. She presses her hands over her ears, which have begun bleeding. Her eyes drop similar blood, of red and gold.

Indiana slumps as the cry stops and Magnus, Jace and Alec are surrounding her.
"Are you okay?" Alec asks and Indiana nods faintly.
"Something terrible is coming." She states before wiping her tears away. Magnus grabs her hand.
"Your blood." He points out and everyone turns to it.
"It's red and gold." Jace notes.
"Valentine was telling the truth." Indiana whispers.

After explaining to Magnus what Valentine had suggested, he promised to keep quiet. They got an alert, Indiana could hear Alec and Jace arguing about Jace's place at the institute in the next room over. She thought about saying something, but she'd given up that right. Fix herself first.

Alec and Indiana ran into Clary on their way to brief room.
"Any idea what this is about?" Clary asks.
"Heard a big storm's moving in. Always increases demon activity." Alec explains.
"And Jace is..." Clary trails off.
"Not here."
"He's totally shut me out. He's not answering my texts. I don't understand what's going on." Clary adds
"Me neither. Come on." Alec says glancing at Indiana who pointedly ignores his look.

She wants to help with Jace she does but fix herself first and hope they wait for her is more her strategy.

"What did we miss?" Alec asks Izzy.
"Let's see. The Citadel was breached. Magdalena is dead. Cleophas is missing." Izzy states angrily and Indiana bows her head at Magdalena's death.
"Oh, my God. Valentine?" Clary asks.
"No shit." Indiana mumbles.

"Aldertree's heading to Idris to meet with the Council." Izzy informs them.
"I'll go check with ops." Alec notifies them and Indiana slowly backs away and out of the institute. Fix herself before hunting demons.

Indiana smiles as she makes her way to the 'Hunters Moon'.
"Ana!" Gretel shouts, pulling her into a hug.
"What are you doing here? I thought there was a thing at the institute." She states raising a brow.

Indiana laughs.
"There was a thing, but I didn't want to do that thing." Indiana smirks and the girls laugh.
"So what are you doing here?" Gretel asks.
"Well, I'm here to pick someone up." She states casually.

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