This World Inverted

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WALKING THROUGH the lush forest Indiana was stunned by its beauty, the firm hold of Jace's left hand in her right kept her from forgetting the purpose of traveling so far.
Weighed down by Alec's decision, the Omega wasn't sure what the future was holding anymore.
"Goodbye Brooklyn hello Narnia." Indiana laughed lowly, mesmerised by the forests greenery,
"Welcome to the Seelie Glade, Diana Fairchild. The remotest edges of it." Meliorn said looking back towards the girl who had saved his life.

"I just... how did we even get here?" Indi has trouble speaking as she looks around in awe,
"There are entrances all through the mundane world." Jace explains,
"You just have to know where to look." Meliorn cryptically adds.

"Why did we have to come here to find my sperm donor?" Indiana makes it clear that Valentine is not her father, simply a monster she has the displeasure of being related to,
"Because of your necklace. It's a Portal shard." Meliorn slows down so He is walking on the other side of the Fairchild,
"Tell us something we don't know." Jace mutters, still angry at Alec's distance, begging in his mind that when they return they can fix things,
"How does it work?" The Seelie asks with an edge of curiosity,
"When I touch the crystal and I think of someone, I can see where they are." Indiana says softly, she doesn't feel right. She knows that she is doing the right thing, but without her Beta, it feels so wrong.

"I'm curious, Shadowhunter, who knows so much about Portals, did you never wonder why this Portal shard doesn't behave the way normal Portals do?" Meliorn smirks smugly towards the blond Alpha,
"Normal Portals can only take you to places you've been, I guess I never really thought about it." Jace directs the first part of the sentence towards his Omega,
"I see Isabelle is the smart one in the family. Your Portal shard works the way it does because it's a piece of a Portal from another dimension." Meliorn informs the two Shadowhunters.
"Other dimensions?" Indiana exclaims quietly in shock, focusing fully on the Seelie,
"You're saying there's a Portal in some other universe that can take us to anyone if we just think of them?" Jace asks for clarification,
"If you can find the only Portal still standing in that dimension it will take you to Valentine." Noticing Indiana's annoyance at her connection with Valentine, meliorn chooses to refer to him separately, out of respect for the young Omega.

"These trees are where the alternate dimensions intersect the Seelie realm." Meliorn says walking towards an almost clearing,
"How is it possible that the Clave doesn't know about your dimensional doorways?" Jace grunts tightening his grip on Indiana's hand,
"They are our most guarded secret. We are their protectors. Only Seelies know of their existence." The Seelie informs, the two Shadowhunters share a look,
"So then why are you telling us? If they're meant to be so secret, especially I'm assuming from the clave why tell two Shadowhunters?" Indiana looks at Meliorn trying to figure him out,
"I owe you a life debt and I don't like being indebted to anyone." Meliorn says trying to hide his annoyance at the life debt,
"What would happen if-" Indiana starts,
"If the Seelie Queen finds out I've shared this with you? I could be executed." The Seelie answers lightly,
"Well, we'll be extra careful then." Jace says sarcastically.

"There is no "we" in this scenario. Only Diana goes in to find the Portal. My debt is to her." Meliorn looks at Jace as if he's stupid for even thinking he was part of the life debt,
"You've given us no reason to trust you, Seelie." Jace earns himself a glare, though whether it's for the accusation or the lack of the Seelies name Indiana isn't sure,
"I do. Trust him that is, besides he brought us here." Indiana looks at Jace, her eyes pleading him to agree.

Meliorn steps under an archway of sorts, his hands move majestically producing a green glow, that sparkles and moves the trees into position as nature's energy pulsates, Indiana does nothing but look on with awe. She decides then that the Seelie glade has to be one of the most beautiful sights she has ever seen and probably will ever see in her life.

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