Welcome to Land Discord

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After Discord had overthrown Princess Celestia and Luna from power there was, needless to say, chaos everywhere: the night was 4 hours long and the day was 4 hours long, and the two cycled like that. The clouds seem to never change its hideous color, as Rarity would have said, "Those shades of light blue and purple should only be used as highlights against that hideous hazy orange and chartreuse". Rainbow Dash chuckled weakly, smiling a bit remembering her old friend's dramatic antics.

She hasn't seen the Fashionista in 2 years, since Discord-, Lord Discord thought it would be impeccable to separate the Elements as far away as he could. Not too far though, for some personal, Machiavellian reason, either it was for the torturing of the Mane6's spirits; allowing them to know their friends were in danger, but close by, thus supporting the feelings of Hope... only to be crushed by the day to day mental and physical lacerations. Or just because Discords' a demented soul, bound by heinous demons to torture every content soul his discrepant body comes across… Probably both.

Rainbow Dash was the last of the Mane6 that remained in Ponyville now; she could only wonder where the other Elements are. Hopefully relatively safe... Hopefully relatively still alive.

Rainbow Dash decided it was time to get out of her uncomfortable bed loft and she did so achingly. She haven't had a solid meal in days, the hunger was starting to show on her body. Her ribs stuck out against her once beautiful coat of cyan, and her once sparkling magenta eyes are dull, from exhaustion and hopelessness.

She walked outside her hut where Sugar Sweet Corner used to be, and looked at the familiar ruins: destroyed or distorted buildings were scrambled randomly around, there were decaying, dead bodies in a single shallow grave just a few hundred meters from her towards Everfree Forest, which now fully surrounds the pitiful town. The sun never shown through the ugly clouds, it just illuminated them which casted a dull, orange glow on the town. The town was filthy from two years of toxic fumes that floated out of the clouds above; the deadened grass and vegetation couldn't replenish the air with oxygen; the winds that flow through the Everfree forest was the only savior of lungs here. Hope, forever lost upon this town of lost dreams, ponies lost in a world that was not safe, and lost friends who are in question; where were Rainbow Dash's friends?

A tear dropped from her right eye as she soaked in the sight, though clichéd, and used to her now, it still ushered out a sorrowful tear.

What they need now is a hero.

Smoke and the horrendous stench of rotting flesh and muscle filled the frightened Hedgehog's nose as he fumbled blindly around in pitch black darkness. He could even smell his own fear as it was potent enough to cut through this horrendous, stomach wrenching stench.

Where was he?

Sonic frantically ran and ran through a musky Black Forest for what seemed like hours, dodging its spiny hulls until he reached a clearing. Suddenly a large red outline formed in a circle around him. Sonic stopped running and looked around at the circle; guard up, his senses tuned to pick up the slightest challenge of danger. And he did as a sickeningly familiar smell wafted in his nose and he breathed in deeply.

Tainted Blood.

The thick, red liquid began to pour seemingly out of nowhere as objects rose from the ground on the edges of the circle at equal distances from each pedestal. On each pedestal a figure rose, covered in filth: three butterflies, then three apples, then three balloons, followed by three diamonds, a lightning bolt of three colors, and finally a big star shaped object.

A deep, sadistic spell of laughter erupted from above accompanied by a lion's paw that came down as a fist, straight towards the Blue Speedster. Sonic now paralyzed from fear tried his best to run but he couldn't, he wouldn't.

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