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Fluttershy stared down the two newcomers with a slight scowl as they stood before her, donning shocked and terrified facades. Although they rudely barged into her home and were alien- they seemed innocent; meaning of course not a creation from Discord, but they didn't seem as they belonged here either which sparked suspicion in Fluttershy's mind.

Fluttershy's teal eyes looked over the two noticing the shorter one resembled a rabbit; her long ears and petite-ness gave it off, while the older and taller one resembled much like a raccoon. Her old, resolute interest in animals of all sorts sparked liked flint inside of her mind, she suddenly had the urge to ask them all types of inquisitive questions like: are they similar to the animals they were? Were their appetites the same or different? But these questions will have to come another time.

Slowly, the brilliant lights gave Fluttershy a slight migraine as the intense light had flooded and basked everything in the house in a hard, white light, but she was sure that the shadow hounds that was most likely following the Raccoon's and Rabbit's fearful scent through the dark forest was closing in on them just before they busted down her door.

Rule One of Land Discord: show no fear, and you'll see no evil. (Besides everything and epitome of evil itself, Discord)

The shadow hounds have evil, terrifying red eyes; a simple trap for any evading pony if they were to be caught escaping in the Dark Forest from the shadow hounds. For example: the pony sees the pair of eyes following them, gets afraid, then once the doomed victim secrete those pheromones of fear, they'll hear eerie, hoarse howling from not one, but dozens of Shadow hounds chasing down their prey.

"Thank Celestia they haven't seen the eyes..." Fluttershy thought to herself, relieved.

"What are you doing here?" The pale Pegasus reiterated while taking a slightly threatening step towards them. "Who are you?" She then inquired before they could speak, her voice losing the edge it had just previously, now teeming with more of cautioned curiosity and it showed in her actions as she raised her left front hoof curiously.

"Why should we tell you who we-" Marine started boldly before Cream intervened. "My name is Cream the Rabbit" she did a polite courtesy before continuing, "And this is my good friend, Marine the Raccoon, we come from a nice world named Mobius." She pauses then looked to Marine to give her a mature "you better behave" look then back at the Pegasus before her with a kinder gaze.

"Now what's your name?" Marine asked gruffly, she crossed her arms and narrowed her eyes distrusting at the unknown Pegasus.

Fluttershy continued her cautioned stare at Marine as she spoke, "My name is Fluttershy, I run this make-shift hospital," the pegasus then pointed to the rolling cots and mattresses on the floor, "I do my very best to heal the pain I see on an everyday basis from every doomed pony that staggers into here..."

Cream began to realize a few things, her eyes trail over the beds and stray mattresses, the vials of important looking substances, and tanks of blood; probably holding different blood types for those who live in this eerie world. With even more careful examination there were multiple dirtied bandages; likely blood, and whole assortment of poultices and creams conserved in glass jars on counters; one particular jar smashed to bits with a weird liquid protruding from its cracked vial. With the adrenaline calming down in both of the alien's brains they could fully evaluate the state of the room; it was filthy. Even the very musky air hung heavy with the carrion smell of death, hopelessness, and the sad truth that portended to this world.

Cream's cinnamon eyes then flickered towards the Pegasus noticing how downtrodden and emaciated she looked. Her blanched, yellow coat was dusty and lacked the healthy look she was sure it was supposed to have. Her eyes was dull; lifeless if not for the faint burning fire of faith within the teal depths, - suddenly the rabbit felt sorry for Fluttershy, feeling a wave of kindness filling her spirit and being.

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