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Fluttershy quickly brought a water drenched rag in her teeth to yet another terribly maimed unicorn. The unicorn screamed a bloodcurdling cry of agony as it clenched the dirty-white sheets on the bed under her with a vice like grip, again screaming to the top of her lungs. Her chest heaved deeply, and rapidly as the unicorn couldn't bare the pain anymore. Blood poured at a constant rate from her horn as it stood straight up from the unicorn's head like it should; split in three parts down the middle like it shouldn't. The unnamed unicorn started to tremble violently as loose, frothy foam that emanated from her mouth.

Fluttershy took note of her patient's escalating pain coefficient as she then began to coax her gently as she professionally and calmly clamped the horn pieces back together as carefully as she could as she looked down at the crying unicorn with caring and soothing eyes. Her beautiful eyes of teal calmed the writhing unicorn as she told her that she was going to be okay, that this little boo-boo isn't going to kill you, and that she will going to be okay, that this little wound will not be the cause of her ending. As Fluttershy used her utter kindness to beguile the discombobulated and shaky patient, the patient slowly closed her light-green eyes as her breathing slowly slowed, the foaming became less prevalent and the anxiety lessened.

Fluttershy, with care, swabbed the sensitive horn parts with the rag as gently as she could then tie the pieces of the horn together with some withy and some special magical herbs to help it heal that have not felt the toxic waste water from the industrial parts of the new world which Lord Discord happily rules. Fluttershy quickly washed her hooves then gave the whimpering, though saved, unicorn a poultice of valerian root and wild turmeric to soothe her vexing pain.

After the unicorn ate the bitter medicine Fluttershy prescribed her, the pale yellow Pegasus walked the unicorn out of the pseudo emergency room and fared the unicorn goodbye and good luck on her journey back to refuge.

Fluttershy is an underground medic, working illegally, caring for ponies of all sorts as they come from all round: the toxin victims of Ponyville and Cloudsdale, the intensive injuries of cracked/exploded/damaged horns from Canterlot and various other gem mining sites located in Fillydelphia, Appleloosa, and Manehatten and also the gruesome refuge gang wars that fought over the scarce resources of the dying world.

Fluttershy has seen it all; death, gore, mind-wrenching pain; her eyes of kindness and reassurance helped her patients to get well, coxswaining the ones that died of torturous methods procured by Discord himself upon a peaceful, happy journey to the other side. The pale Pegasus live to help those around her no matter what with unmitigated and indiscriminate kindness, - OH SHOOT! There it goes again!

Fluttershy head pangs with excruciating, throbbing pain that sends her into the floor, writhing as she held her head. Her heart thumped hard against her chest as she tried to crawl away from the pain, making her heave for breath; these bouts of heart-ripping pain getting worse ever since the elements of harmony were destroyed.

A few seconds later the pain ebbed away leaving the pale Pegasus once again laying on the dirt ground of home- not the cottage, mind you, her secluded house in a forest where all the injured ponies escape to for care, if they survive the journey in their conditions.

Fluttershy lay sprawled out on the ground, her wispy, dry mane and tail pooled round her, thinking hard about her life. Quite frankly, she didn't want to do this anymore; caring for ponies she did enjoy, but the pain she see on a daily basis not to mention the occasional pony that dies in her hooves. She won't be able to keep this up forever, she needed her friends, she needs salvation, and she needed a hero. And with that, she black out into the soft darkness that enveloped her.

Coat of dirt, mane uncouth; pristine no longer, seeing Rarity like this would have been an actual rarity two years ago, but now it is a norm for her and the Discord-trodden unicorns around her.

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