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Like a feather, or like the dust that seems to blanket the barren land of the Rock Farm, Pinkamena felt weightless. I'm dead, I'm done, and I fell over the edge and died. These were the words that flew around Pinkamena's mind as she seemingly held still in space. Her mind was whirling with the fact that she might actually be dead for real this time. Her goal finally reached, she finally ended the pain, never again will her eyes be saddened; so void of happiness. Never again will her body feel the terrible pain of the having to haul extreme quantities of rock and ore. Never again will her hooves bleed from accidentally dropping sharp and heavy rocks onto them. Never again. She can finally be at peace.

Peace has finally found me.

Her body slowly became conscious of the outside world that still lingered around her; she could feel the cool, dry air swirling around her body and it even started to sting the open sores around her hooves a little. She can feel her dry mane wisp around her, occasionally feeling her tail brush against her back hooves. But the most shocking and hardest to believe sensation she felt was something, warm, wrapped around her midsection, just below her front hooves. She felt a cold sweat that rolled down her neck as she snapped her eyes open to see who was holding her.

When she opened her eyes she felt a sort of chill; stemmed from fear and confusion about who and what the thing that was holding her is, and was it the same individual that she saw walk out of that portal. She gazed up in absolute wonder at the alien which, unsurprisingly, didn't look anything that she has ever seen. Before she could get a better look at the being her body lurched as the being then sped up the side of the cliff face that she had just fallen below not 10 seconds ago. Her eyes flew even wider as she let out a sharp gasp. The figure jumped onto the land a few meters away from the gorge and laid her down gently on the soft, dusty ground.

She quickly scrambled, quite clumsily as if she was still lightheaded, up on her hooves to face the unknown being. Her fragile mind tried to convey sense about what had just happened to her. Suddenly she felt hostile, a small, smoldering fire burned in the pit of her stomach as she just realize that who- whatever this being is just snatched away her chance to finally be rid of the terrors, the evils, and the pain of this torturous world. Snatched away… just as Discord had done to her, to everything and everypony that she ever loved or cared for. Another day will she have to live in unfathomable pain, another day will her hooves bleed, another day for her to be tortured by her increasingly decrepit mind. Another day of victory for Discord in whatever master plan he has going. Another day of persecution in Tartarus, for the pink pony, that has learned that the world is a terrible place.

Her eyes narrowed with anger and pain as she gritted her teeth, staring down at the being who in turn, stared her down with apathetic, cold, red eyes. The being folded his arms. "What is your problem, pony?" He growled, seeing her change in behavior.

"WHY, IN ALL OF TARTARUS, WOULD YOU DO THAT!" her voice cracked with stress and her eye twitched slightly as she fully grasped the idea that she would have to continue to live in such a world.

"What? Save your life? What the hell are doing frolicking on the edge of a cliff anyways?" He sneered, wondering what is with this pony.

"THAT WAS MY CHANCE, MY CHANCE TO ESCAPE THIS TERRIBLE WORLD!" she screamed at him, taking a step towards him, to which he narrowed his eyes at her challenge.

Then her attitude fluctuated which was off putting for Shadow, "That was my chance… to finally be rid of the terrors, of the pain, of the angry, cold claws of life ripping me up more than it has already done!... YOU SNATCHED IT AWAY FROM ME! JUST AS HE DID!" she returns back to screaming at him, her face felt hot and her heartbeat sped as anger and sorrow raced through her mind. Her eyes were wide as if she was crazy and Shadow took note of it.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 21, 2014 ⏰

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