"What do you mean by, 'you did it'!" I exclaimed.
"Do you want me to tell you everything?" he asked.
"Yes!" we both replied.
"Okay, it all started when I ran away from you guys. I was so mad at Mr. Calebs."
"Why?" I asked.
"He stole my present for your birthday, and he got me fired from my job."
"What!? How?!"
"I was getting you the dog you always wanted, you know, Marco's dog Pepper. That's the dog I bought for YOU, but he stole it. Then, I was working in my office, stamping the papers when he swapped my stamper design with a thing that said, 'My boss is a devil'. My boss, Mr. Managin, saw that it came from my station and fired me. After that, I began to want to hurt Mr. Calebs. I never knew why he was angry at me, but I hated it! I wanted it to stop. So, I decided to take something he loves most, his wife. I was about to kill her when Marco's dad jumped in front and died. I then killed his wife as well so she wouldn't tell the cops. She lay on the kitchen floor and I dragged Mr. Calebs upstairs into the closet."
"Is he still in there?" I asked.
"Yes, and I'm very ashamed of myself. I didn't want to do it. I regretted everything and I can't go back, or I would get caught. I just want you to know that I love you guys with all my heart and that I hope you understand what I'm about to do."
"What are you doing?"
"I love you," he said as he took his gun out and shot himself.
"DAD!" I screamed at the top of my lungs and busted into tears.
"BENJAMIN!" Mom screamed. Marco heard us and ran upstairs. He opened the door. His jaw fell open.
"Marco?" I said.
"I--" I looked at Mom. "We need to tell you everything."
After explaining the whole story, Marco began to realize that his father never talked about work or what he did in his spare time, or even how he got the puppy.
"Yeah. Are you, uhh, mad at my father?" I asked Marco. He was quiet for a minute.
"I don't know my emotions right now. I'm just confused why my father never told me anything about this."
"I don't know why either, Marco. I don't know why my father never even told ME about this. I don't know why he would shoot himself. He would NEVER in his life do that!" I started crying more. Marco came closer to me.
"Well, guys, I'm going downstairs to eat something. I'm hungry. Call me if you need me!" Mom said. She rushed downstairs.
"So, uhh, how do you feel about this?"
"Umm...sad. Disappointed. I don't understand why my dad would do such a thing."
"Don't worry, Maddy. I've been through worse. My dad and mom...died. Killed." I shivered. "Are you cold?"
"Umm, yes, a little bit."
"Oh. You can use my sweater." He took off his sweater and handed it to me.
"Thanks." I put on the sweater and zipped it up. I looked at Marco, who was still smiling through all the pain. I knew his eyes were saying, "Don't worry Maddy. I'm here to help you." I stared into his eyes.
"Can I?" He didn't say anything. He kissed me. It was the most magical thing I've felt. It lasted for a long time. He pulled away and smiled. I smiled as well.

RomanceMadison, a young teenage girl, has moved to a new house, leaving her to go to a new school. She meets her old middle school friend from years ago, Marco, happy to see him again. But sometimes, people change over the years. He starts acting strange...