Ugly And I Know It

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  • Dedicated to Breanna

Ugly -that's the word.

Ugly to the world.

Ugly isn't gold.

Ugly, so I'm told.

Ugly to you,

Ugly like few.

Ugly never flew.

Ugly isn't perfect,

Ugly was never worth it.

It was never worth this.


For the strength that teens need. We all do sometimes. So use these people to help you. All of you.

For those of you who are bullied it is because one of two reasons. 1.) The world really doesn't accept you and for that you are only beautiful on the inside, for that you know they make you stonger. OR 2.) You are imperfect on the outside and the inside, and people use it against you. You are filled with distain because you don't think you have what it takes to be beautiful, and for that I hope you learn to see past "just any beauty" because in the end there is only one sort that matters. I hope that you will understand. You don't need to change your look, you need to change your perspective.

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