Chapter 1 (POV Cat)

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  • Dedicated to BreeAnna Nichole Copic

Introducing Cat. She is a girl that people could agree she is ugly on the inside as well as the outside. However, there are some that might say she is pretty on the inside and outside, but still a hardass all the way around. What do you think?


I'm not someone to take what people say too serriously. I don't let too many things go to my head either, unless it's from someone I really care about. However, there are some things that people say that get to me so easily. I don't know why they would say those things. Sure, I can be mean and I can say things that purposely piss people off; but I don't go out of my way to hurt people unless they do it to me.

It all starts with my mother. She isn't around since she left me with my father. She left me and my dad when I was a baby. I don't remember her, and my dad didn't leave any of her pictures lying around either. I didn't know if I looked anything like her, I just knew I didn't look much like my dad. I would bet you can't guess why she left or what for either....but I'm not sure why she left myself. I just know that she left because she was a whore, and a hooker.

Up until two years ago I had no contact with her. Now I only talk to her like a distant cousin. She would tell me a few things about herself, but I didn't really care. I might if I had grown up with the same things she did, but I didn't and I didnt' care for them. She knew that she couldn't just hop into my when I turned 12, but it didn't stop her. We talk every now and again.

It's two years later. I'm a freshman. My best friend ditched me after that bitch found another friend. I know what your thinking. "How could you say that?" Well I did. And it's true.

Hannah was popular and she had a lot of friends. Including me, Hannah was freinds with everybody. I was really happy that I had someone I could talk to. Even though, I later found out that half the time she didn't even listen to what I said -nor did she care. She was a great pretender though...she always said something encouraging, and seemed sincere when she said that she was "sorry."

I'm over it, but I really don't forgive her. I mean, what the hell? Why would she do that to me anyway? Not to mention she turned a few people against me when she decided to blow up. Hannah had never said I was ugly. However other forms were easy to decipher. For instance the bitch that I think she is, she would say the same about me.

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