Mr. Perfect you're an athlete?

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Bonjour my Kazumites, I'm so happy you chose to read my book, I can't say you won't regret it because once you start reading you won't ever want to stop so sorry in advance. Oh just to let you know this is my first time writing a book so please don't slam it too hard, okay well don't forget to vote, comment and share.

Melissa's pov

As I'm sitting in Ms. Reynolds English literature class at the back row staring though the window, I wonder about my big sister Natalie. If she is okay over in a new city, I wonder if it has started snowing over there yet. Well if it has I'm sure she has already tried at least a hundred times to make a snowman, she totally infatuated with making them, 'most stubborn person on earth' "Ms. Morgan would you please go the principals office" Ms. Reynolds spoke pulling me out off my thoughts.

"Wait what, why?" I asked confused by what Ms. Reynolds said.

"Dude, Miss has been calling your name for around a minute and a half now and you wouldn't even look at her" Cameron whispered to me as I mentally face palmed.

"Miss I'm sorry, I wasn't paying attention I was just-" before I could finish my explanation Ms. Reynolds cut me off "I don't care about your explanation, go" I stood up, placing all my stuff in my bag and then left the class.

As I was walking down the white tiled hallway that's quieter than a graveyard, I wondered why Ms. Reynolds hates me so much. I heard the voice of the most craziest thing in the universe yell my name "MELISSA!!!!!!!". The loud sound was followed by the a humongous weight crashing into me from behind, sending me tumbling to the ground.

After that tremendous impact and horrific fall, I gained the strength to roll myself off my face and onto my back. Looking up to see the being that sent me flying was no other than my only psycho friend Madeline Broker, even after being friends with her for over five years i am still bedazzled by her.

As I look up at her amazed face I noticed her remarkable figures like how when she smiles five dimples show up on her face and how she always let's her long golden hair down so that it raises when the wind blows, her bright toned skin glistens when light touches it and how she always does a wonder woman pose whenever she dominates an opponent.

She stretched out her hand to me gesturing that i should take it, I did and with her help i pick myself off the ground.

"God Maddy did you have to hit me so hard, I swear to god you are paying my medical bill" I said brushing off my body.

"Well I'm sure I can pay for it" she answered, and she definitely could I mean her father is Hank Broker the owner of Broker industries, he own almost every manufacturing company in the city.

"And what do you two think your doing?" said the debby downer, the queen of perfection and fixer of imperfection my other best friend Rulanda Mitchell.

She was walking down the spiral staircase with her straightened shoulder length black hair soaring through the air which match her black eyes, her intelligence is unbelievable, her posture is impeccable and light skin is soft to the touch. Her glasses don't even move when she comes down the stairs and she doesn't even need them she just wears them to make people take her seriously, she is also a model for her father's fashion company.

"Hi Rulanda, I was just heading to the principal's office, when I was bashed by Ms. Big bucks here" I said pointing at Madeline, then Rully hit my hand and said "Didn't your mother teach you it's not polite to point"

"Ha" taunted Maddy right before Rully flicked her finger in her forehead "And you what was your reason for being here" interrogated Rulanda "First of all owe, and..." Maddy was cut off by rulanda flicking her finger in head again

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