Two Plus Two

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Two plus two equals four. Three times 30 million equals 90 million. If it's that easy then what do you get when you add a 15 year old who just got dumped plus a classroom full of classmates that she hates? An anxious and dead to the world mess. That's what you get. You know, right now, I could go for some chocolate, indie music, and my best friend right next to me at a coffee shop. That's what I want, but what do I get? Homework. You know, I never thought that the first day of school would suck this bad, but looking around, I see so many people who are so caught up in the drama and caught up with relationships that it makes me wonder, am I normal for not caring about any of this? I got dumped not long ago. This guy named William dumped me after he decided to go after Catie Wallferson. You know, the hottest girl in my grade, who also happens to hate my guts and tries to take anything and everything that makes me happy away from me. Little did she know that I was happy that he was gone. For some reason, guys find me attractive, which I don't really care for. I think I just don't want to fall in love or any of that mushy crap. Every time a guy asks me out in front of a bunch of people, I just say yes. I mean, everyone else is doing it! The thing is, I don't see what the big idea is; I don't get butterflies when a guy holds my hand, and I surely don't even allow them to kiss me. That's just really weird. I just don't get why I have to be different. Sometimes I wish I felt love, but it doesn't seem like that's gonna happen, at least not for now. 

So as Mrs. Bulington goes over my Algebra 2 lesson, I copy the notes and try to breathe. I really wanna get out of here. I'm counting down the seconds on the clock until 3:22 so I can get out of here and finally see the only person I really like being around. Elle is such and amazing person. Even though she has this HUGE thing for some weird guy that I get shivers around, I still love being around her. She seems to be the only person who cares about the real things and who actually understands me. She really is something else. 


"Y-yes Mrs. Bulington?"

Oh no, she's looking at me.

"Are you okay Lune? You're spacing off already this year. Something stressing you out?"

I look around the room and realize that the bell had already rung, and I'm still sitting here in the classroom, staring off into Lala land as always. It's happened more than once.

"U-um... no Mrs. Bulington. Just lost in thought. Sorry for worrying you, I'll head out."

"Lune, sometimes you do worry me. You're so incredibly smart, but it seems you have nobody to talk to."

"Well, my best friend just started her freshman year, so maybe I'll sit with her at lunch. speaking of, I need to go meet her so we can walk to the coffee shop together. Thanks for the lesson!"

I rushed out the door. I don't like it when I have to talk to people I'd rather not talk to, and Mrs. Bulington was one of them. I get that she is worried for me sometimes, but I like being alone in class, I like being quiet, I like keeping to myself. 

I take a deep breath and open my locker. I look at the pictures of me and Elle, pictures of my family, and then a picture of my dad. I love my dad, but I miss him even more. I wish he was here sometimes, but he's not. He's dead. He died when I was only 5. I miss him every day. 

"Already been a decade huh."

I mumble to myself. Part of me wanted to cry, part of me wanted to scream and slam my locker door and drop kick my bookbag down the hallway in hopes that it just might possibly hit Catie in the face, but of course, I just put the picture back and closed my door peacefully. 

"Hi Lune!"

"AH! What the hell Elle!?"

"Deep in thought again I see? When is that head of yours gonna come down from those clouds?"

I roll my eyes. 

"So? How was your first day as a big ole' freshman?"

I give her a smile. I'm curious to see how this was gonna go down. 

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