Flying Lattes

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After leaving The Spot, I walked Elle home. The whole way there, all I heard was her complaining about Catie. Saying how she was going to tear her ass and this and that. We both knew that she wouldn't do any of it. I enjoyed listening to her rant though. Seeing her all hyped up is pure comedy gold. As we got to her house, I said my good byes and faced the walk home that seemed to never end. As I was walking, Catie drove by in her Cadillac that her rich daddy bought her for her 16th birthday. While she drove by, she threw the rest of her latte at me. For a girl who doesn't play sports, she got the bullseye. The latte splashed all over me and i felt it run down my back. If I wasn't cold before, then I definatly was now. 

"Hope it helps your nasty stench!"

The cadillac zoomed off. Shivering, I kept walking as it out of sight. I wrapped my thin jacket around me. Then, a blue truck stopped next to me. 

"Get in."

I looked through the window to see John. I smiled and got in.
"Thanks John. It's really cold out here, especially when you just so happen to have a latte thrown at you."

He shook his head. 

"It was Catie wasn't it. Yea, Elle already ranted to me about it on the phone. She's really worried Lune. I am too."

It kind of surprised me to hear him say that. I look over at him. His jean jacket and old worn jeans seemed so warm compared to my wet and cold clothes. 

"You shouldn't be. I can handle myself."

I said it in a snippy tone, and I regretted it. He was being nice.

"I'm sorry."

He took a deep breath and pulled into my driveway.

"Hey Lune, can I ask you a question?"


He entertwined his fingers on the steering wheel. His truck smelled of dust, and grass. It smelled good. 

"Does Elle have her eyes on anyone?"

I almost lost my breath. 

"Um. Yea. Yea, she does."

His face went pale and his knuckles went white.

"Are you really that dumb John?"

He gave me a look of confusion. I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms.

"Jeez, you wouldn't know if the word obvious came up and slapped you in the face. She likes YOU ya dumb ass! Jesus, even a blind person knows she likes you. Have you not noticed how she always tries to sit by you in class? How she gets all red when she's around you? Damn. You're dumb. Look, just tell her how you feel. And DON'T fuck it up. Elle means a lot to me. You've been blessed John. Now, I'm going to go inside and take a nice hot shower. Go home and jack off or something."


I shut the door in the middle of his sentence and blew him a kiss while walking inside, teasing him. When I got inside, my mom noticed my new stains. 

"Is that coffee all over you?"

"Yea. I tripped and spilt my coffee all over myself. I'm gonna hop in the shower."

"Okay well, dinner will be ready when you get out."

I walked down the hallway and into my room. I grabbed my clothes and went into the bathroom. Scarlett following right behind me. Scarlett is my dog. I love her to bits. Sometimes I feel like she's there for me when nobody else is. 

"Look at me Scarly. A mess, huh? I wish I was a dog like you, laying around all day, not having to worry about bitches throwing coffee at you. Living the high life girl."

I scratched behind her ear and got into the shower. The warm water running down my back had never felt so good. When I was done, I went to bed. I didn't eat dinner, I didn't paint before I went to bed like I usually do, and I didn't read any of my book. I was so tired that I passed out as soon as my head hit the pillow. 

I slept hard, that is, until i woke up to the sound of my phone buzzing. I looked at the screen and my eyes hurt from the bright light. 

4 missed calls from Elle

Ohhh nooo. I'm gonna get my butt chewed by a basic toddler. I dialed her number. She picked up on the second ring.


My ear hurt from her volume. 

"So you talked to John I see. How's he doin?"

"Don't play games Lune! I'm gonna beat her ass tomorrow morning!"

"If you did that, then how would that make you look to the council? I thought you wanted to go to the school dance."

There was a brief silence. I was so tired that my eyes were closed while holding the phone up to my ear. 

"Fine. But if anything happens one more damn time, I'll get kicked off the council just so I can beat her ass."

I took a deep breath. 

"Okay, I promise it won't happen again."

"Lune, you're my best friend, I worry for you. I hate knowing that Catie is bullying you."

"I know, it's okay. I'm gonna go back to sleep. I'll meet ya in the morning?"

"Yea. See you in the morning."

"Good night."

I ended the call and went to my messages and clicked on John's name. 

"Fuck. You. Now she's up my ass. I suggest you hide yours tomorrow cause I'm gonna kick the shit out of it."

I waited one minute for a reply

"You're welcome. <3"

I groaned and went back to sleep. I love Elle to death, but sometimes I wish she wasn't such a little spit fire. And I wish John would get his balls cut off. Tomorrow is going to be a long day, I can feel it.

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