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 I nod unable to do anything else. Mistress checks my wounds and changes my bandages. I begin to get restless after three days behind stones and rocks. I long for the open skies. As if sensing my needs, Evergreen comes and scoops me out of bed. He sets me in a strange contraption that is part seat and part cart and then proceeds to roll me out into a small garden. I sigh in pleasure at just being outside of the stones and rocks.

     "You don't seem to like being confined by anything," Evergreen says as I open my eyes.

     "How did you know?" I ask in genuine curiosity.

      "I told him," Mistress says.

     "How did you know?" I ask looking at her now.

     "It is a healers gift to know where a patient prefers to convalesces," she says.

     "I am not convalescing. I am conserving energy," I say sticking my tongue out at Mistress.

     "I save your life twice and you stick your tongue out at me," she says pretending to be angry.

     "Then maybe you shouldn't have saved me," I say smiling.

     "We'll just have to see," she says patting my head like I'm a child. I stick my tongue out again and then start laughing. "See dear brother, if you know where they prefer to spend their time they heal much quicker."

     "I will keep that in mind," he says as he begins to push me through the garden. I get tired of the quiet and begin naming the plants in the gardens.

     "How do you know all of that?" Evergreen asks as I describe all the uses of the herb savory.

     "I read a lot, when the weather got to bad for me to stay outside," I said looking down at my bandaged hand. "The mercenary company I was with was funded by a lowland lord and he had a great library. They used to joke if you couldn't find the cook in the kitchen she was in the library." I peek up to find Evergreen studying me. "What," I snap feeling strangely vulnerable.

     "Nothing, I just didn't... never mind," he says beginning to push me along the paths.

     "You just didn't think a lawless plains, demon would be able to read," I say.

     "Yes and no, I didn't image your life would even permit you time to read; let alone that you would have someone teach you."

     "I am actually able to read high plains, low plains, and some draconian," I say smiling. "Although I will admit that draconian seems to be long winded and boring."

     "Who taught you to read?" he asks stopping the contraption.

     "My uncle taught me to read, and write highland and lowland. He also taught me to fight," I say. "As for the draconian, I learned it from a target. I spent quite a lot of time with him, so no one would suspect me when the deed was done."

     "Do you regret anyone you've killed?" Evergreen asks. Memories come up that I wish would just stayed buried.

     "Only a few and a long time ago," I whisper choking on the ghosts. The tutor comes wandering by and smiles.

     "Ah good it works," he exclaims. "I was dying to try it out. How does it work?" 

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