Chapter 96 - Fulfilling ZhouXiang's Career Aspirations

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ZhouXiang definitely has a psychological hatred toward this name. Before he met YanMingXiu, he's always felt that he is an open-minded tolerant person who would not be petty over little things. But toward WangYuDong, he is full of jealous hatred. This kind of petty jealously is something that even he is unwilling to face because it is a bit humiliating.

But he can't control his gloomy emotions. He thought, if he could just have a fight with WangYuDong, it would actually give him some relief. But unfortunately, that is not something he could do. So the more he suppresses himself, the harder it is for him to endure.

Thinking about it, he hypnotically used his finger to gently push the "end call" button, hanging up the call. He thought, WangYuDong probably had never experienced having his phone call hung up by YanMingXiu. Seeing the phone screen gradually darkened, ZhouXiang suddenly realized what he had just done and can't help but feel annoyed. How could he be jealous of WangYuDong to such extreme, it's too fucking shameful.

Perhaps it's from guilt or to cover up, when YanMingXiu came out of the bathroom, ZhouXiang looked at him and says, "WangYuDong called you." Then he got up to go to the bathroom, brushing past YanMingXiu.

YanMingXiu is slightly startled. He picked up the phone from the bed with no intention to return the call. There is obviously something more important at this moment. But just when he was about to put down the phone, it rang again.

So, he could only pick it up, "Hello, Dong Ge."

"MingXiu? What were you doing just now?"

"In the bathroom."

"Is someone else at your home??"

YanMingXiu paused, "What's the matter?"

"The phone call was disconnected earlier."

YanMingXiu is stunned. He couldn't help but glance at ZhouXiang's back, "Nobody's here. Don't know what happened. Is something the matter?"

"Yea, Dong Ge wanted to talk to you about something. Are you free this afternoon?"

"I have something going on this afternoon. Whatever it is, just say it on the phone."

WangYuDong heavily exhaled a breath, obviously not very satisfied with YanMingXiu's dismissal. But he could only respond, "The country is cracking down on the real estate industry terribly at this time. My dad funds are trapped. Last time, I used the company's funds to cover for him but I also got caught in the end. MingXiu, can you help me out?"

YanMingXiu furrowed his brows and went to gently close the door and then walked a few steps into the room. His voice sounding a bit harsh, "When I got the news last time, I've already told my sister to let you know. How could you still invest in it?"

WangYuDong quickly responded, "My dad wouldn't listen to me at all. He is my dad after all. I can't not help him. MingXiu, we are a family. Help me think of a way?"

YanMingXiu's expression is gloomy as he took a deep breath, "How much do you need?"

WangYuDong didn't say. It was as if he didn't want to say it on the phone, "This... let's talk when we meet. Are you free tomorrow?"

YanMingXiu's voice is a bit unsympathetic, "Dong Ge, it's not the first time I've helped you. If my dad or older brother finds out about this, you think about the consequences yourself. How many times do you want this to happen again?"

WangYuDong's voice is a bit flustered, "MingXiu, I... I'm asking for your help because I have no other way. MingMei is pregnant. I don't want her to worry."

"What? My sister is pregnant? Why are you just saying this now?"

"We also just found out two days ago. Isn't mom's birthday the day after tomorrow? I had wanted to announce it on her birthday to give you guys a surprise."

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