We are Broken

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Night fell over the lab.

The subjects returned to their wards, entering their rooms to rest and rejuvenate from the hell Four had put them through.

Groups created for collective experiments would sometimes stick together during this time. They'd discuss what their personal agendas were to come next time. Express concerns for one another in terms of health and corruption.

It wasn't exactly the best sight to witness nowadays.

Coiny was comforting a crying Pin. She had been through a series of electrical experiments, and it hurt her to the core to a much higher degree than many certain procedures. Cake lumbered to his room, lethargic, having Loser nowhere in his presence at all.

Leafy was once again sobbing pathetically. Running off to her room and slamming the door. Firey on the other hand would be limping to his room, absolutely bruised and cut up from his ever exhausted role as the first test subject.

From what it seemed, each and every object in  the lab was either dead silent, in tears, in pain, a miserable wreck, or a mix of all. Even the most sanguine subjects like Grassy and Rocky, were absolutely dejected and reclusive in the day of night.

Pencil escorted a cowering Match to their cell..

"Easy Match.. it's ok.. she isn't real.. I promise.. I'm ok.. You're ok.. We're all ok.." The wooden subject whispered softly to her companion, tenderly massaging her shoulders as they both entered the room.. The members of Pencil and Match's 'alliance' watched anxiously, standing by together as they looked at one another.. Bubble looking depressed as usual, Ice Cube shivering as always, and Ruby clenching her hands together, trying to not let the heat of everything mess her up too far..

 After some consoling and bed tucking, Pencil finally emerged from the door of the chamber, rubbing her face, in which tears glistened from the corners of her eyes.

"...Fuck, I need to get that Corruption Cleanser.. Now."

Ruby looked up, nervous... Pencil had been obsessing over the prospect of obtaining a serum known as "Corruption Cleanser". A substance that upon inoculation, would restore the lost sanity and stave off the stress of a victim of mental corruption.

As soon as the idea popped up, Pencil has been absolutely going on a rampage. At more times was she lashing out on her alliance members, cussing out each and everyone in her way, making her desperate rage very known.

But as Ruby watched Pencil being approached by Bubble, she realized the one major thing in this hell they were all in..

"Pencil, Oi know you want to heal Moitch... but Oi need to remind you..! Dr. Four is powerful.. And Dr. X may be nice.. but he's following orders!-"

"Bubble stop, you have no fucking clue what i'm GOING THROUGH!!" Pencil sudden yelled. Bubble flinched back at her.. noticing how she shivered with rage, her scrunched up face blistering with that sharp sense of frustrated passion..

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