chapter 10

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The crowd gasbs when Selena says 'No' and I'm in shock, I thought I was good but maybe I'm not good enough to stay, maybe they will agree with her and I'll go home. I stay quiet and look down waiting for them to decide whether I'm staying or not, if bieber and demi say 'yes' I'll stay for another week but if one of them says 'no' I'll go home because one yes isn't enough to save me.

"Are you sure"? Bieber asks Selena and she nods, "I think she's good enough to stay, what about you demi? " he asks demi smiling and she smiles then looks at me "Molly 4 million yes' s" she says making me sigh in relief, now if bieber says 'yes' he will save me.

Please say yes

Please say yes

Please say yes

I close my eyes and hold the microphone tightly in my hands waiting for him to make his decision, "yes..yes..yes...yes" the crowd goes wild again and I open my eyes smiling. I can't believe that thousands of people want me to stay in this competition, "Molly" he speaks making my legs shake and my heart beat so fast " deserve to stay" he says smiling and I jump in happiness even though I'm wearing heels. "Thank you so much...thank you" I sight in relief  then walk off the stage with a big smile on my face. Did Selena say no because she saw me with bieber a couple of times? No no she's not immature to do this, maybe I should work harder on my performance.

I go backstage still smiling and shaking at the same time "oh my god Molly I was so worried" Fredo walks towards me with opned arms "you really deserve to stay" he adds giving me a small friendly hug. "I thought I wasn't good enough" I admit when we pull away "but I'm happy that they gave me another chance" I add smiling. "You are good enough..turst me" he tells me then winks so terribly that he closes both of his eyes. I brust out laughing and he joins me "don't even try again" I say still laughing.

I can't go back to my room until all the girls and boys finish their performances so I spend the time backstage with Fredo talking and laughing, "what made you so confident on stage?" He asks. "I didn't want to let my mom and Sam down so I did my best and..." should I say that bieber's words helped me!

"And what? "

"And bieber told me to have fun on stage...I always thought that I had to sing so I could win..I always thought about winning and I forgot that that most important thing is having fun" I tell him smiling, maybe he's not that bad..maybe I should stop avoiding him because he can help me to become a singer. Not with all the money he has or with all the people he knows but with his affective words.

All the the girls and boys finished their performances and now it is time for the judges to decide who's going home, people who got 2 or 3 yes's are safe but the once who got one yes and two no's or 3 no's are now on stage and the judges will send one girl and one guy home. I'm looking at the small screen and my jaw drops when I see my friend Lena standing there shaking, no wonder she's there because I told her so many times to get off the bed and practice but she never listened to me, I hope that they give her another chance.

"Lena and Jack...I'm sorry we have to send you home" demi says and Lena immediately starts crying so hard, I can't believe that she's not going to be here with me anymore and I can't believe that the only girl who is actually nice to me will leave this competition. I go to my room and wait for her to come because I want to see her for the last time and I want to tell her not to give up. When she opens the door I hug her tightly and she starts sobbing in my arms, "I'm sorry" I tell her when I pull away and she smiles...I mean tries to smile with all those tears in her cheeks " told me so many times to practice but I didn't listen to really have a good voice I hope you all the best" she says between the sobs making me cry too. "Bye, Molly" she takes her bags and leaves the room.

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